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Everything posted by MazzyStar

  1. Rory Stewart is a weird imperialist freak. No better than any other Tory.
  2. World of books online. As for charity shops it depends what you’re looking for. In the more middle class areas they’ve probably got a wider selection. The chest, heart and stroke in Partick seemed quite good.
  3. They’re in coalition with plaid are they not?
  4. Not to sound completely defeatist but I think Scotland will be lucky to have a shot on target on Friday.
  5. Tierney against Wirtz doesn’t bear thinking about.
  6. Aye mate, they’re absolutely deadly. I wouldn’t wear any Scotland gear if I were you.
  7. The new Tory party line seems to be that a massive Labour majority will be dangerous for democracy
  8. Confiscate the land owned by Anders Holch Povlsen, Duke of Buccleuch etc.
  9. Liz Truss has completely destroyed the Tories chances of winning an election for at least a generation but you'll never see any prominent conservative politicians talk about her with the level of visceral hatred that the Labour right talks about Corbyn.
  10. v0f044gc0000cpjeg2fog65q8cga12u0.mov
  11. Intrigued to see who they get in next. My money is on that big oaf Stephen Kerr.
  12. True socialist granny danger standing up for the downtrodden professional managerial class.
  13. To blame anyone except those of a similar social standing to themselves and to deflect away from the massive shortfalls of centrist parties all across Europe.
  14. Over the next few weeks the we’ll see the full wrath of the liberal commentariat unleashed on the working class of these countries because of their supposed support for the far right. If you look at the national elections in France and Italy for example it is clear that it is not the working class that vote for the far right in large numbers.
  15. Kingussie. Got beat 3-1
  16. 200 Palestinians murdered by the IDF at the same time.
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