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Everything posted by MazzyStar

  1. f**k dortmund. Military entertainment complex c***s.
  2. The Real fans will feel right at home amongst Tommys goons.
  3. For those that don’t believe me, here’s the same symbol on the memorial to republican volunteers during the Spanish civil war in Motherwell when it was vandalised by fascists.
  4. This is who the democrats and the media would have you believe is the moderate face of the republican party
  5. What’s with the neo nazi symbols on this graphic? I thought that was Airdrie’s thing.
  6. Dodging the draft for Vietnam is one of the few good things Trump has done in his life.
  7. Motorists could simply buy vehicles that comply with the regulations.
  8. Kelvin Mackenzie is £5.50 worse off than he was this morning imo.
  9. Horrendous. That’s a position that even the most hawkish democrats have tried to distance themselves from (although they still won’t take responsibility for the major role their party played in prolonging the Vietnam war.)
  10. I’d never seen that before. The part about Vietnam is despicable.
  11. People actually drink tea ffs. Might as well drink hot water.
  12. Marbella Puregym Chelmsford Wayne Lineker
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