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History Buff

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Everything posted by History Buff

  1. Completely disagree. He’s stabbed the chairman in the back….end of. And has now got what he deserves.
  2. It was sadly one of the worst Buffs shows I’ve seen in a long, long time. And there’s been plenty of them over the 55 years I’ve followed them.
  3. Imho …We were dead and buried several times. Our form has been erratic…especially at home. But good enough on the day to beat anyone in this league. You see, I don’t sense the dread around Buffs park that followed a few howlers of results recently. Not at game last week, but hearing a “clear the air” talk produced a stunning fighting performance. Injuries are clearing up. I’m confidently predicting a grandstand finish from Buffs. So much so, I’d love to have a bet on them going up, having studied everyone’s remaining fixtures. But no Mr Matt Independent (Irvine) nowadays to empty his pockets. Never lost a Buffs bet with him. Time for the Kilwinning public to rally round….. 58 will be great ️.
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