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central staggie

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Everything posted by central staggie

  1. I've just seen the highlights (ParsTV) now, and if they're a fair reflection then we're gonna need to buck up our ideas pretty quickly. Don't know how Dunfermline didn't score with a couple of their chances. It took us weeks to gel last season but I doubt we could afford even a similar start this year. Another big turnover but MM needs to find a way to get round that early this season.
  2. None of the above. Right back Callum Johnson sings a 2 year deal. Most recently with Fleetwood.
  3. Sunday nights on The Jailender with the communal chat function. Pure Pixar man
  4. It's been almost 20 years I've been on OTB, and it is sad that it is coming to an end. I've barely posted in years, but when I was growing up it was effectively the only way a teenager living in the central belt would keep up to date with all things County. It has lost almost all of its buzz in recent times, and theres no doubt it has been squeezed out almost completely. Nonetheless, for me anyway, and it's probably the nostalgia speaking, but it's a shame.
  5. County game is much the same. Credit to Buckie they're not giving County a second.
  6. That white top is smert, but one stray swig of your bev and it'll be minging. Don't mind the home top either, actually.
  7. Wee rumor from a freelance journalist on Twitter that us, Sheffield Wednesday and Exeter are after ex Charlton left back Ben Purrington.
  8. Not really? It was up to Harry Paton to accept or decline the offer.
  9. Well according to P&J (I think) he was offered a contract but turned it down. Don't know that it was actually the clubs decision.
  10. Agreed. His tendency to take 5 extra touches infuriated me at times. Funnily enough, I thought the United game end of last season was probably one of the better appearances he had. Clearly one MM knew was happening.
  11. Linked on Twitter (I know I know) with Sheffield United goalkeeper Jake Eastwood. United after him too apparently.
  12. I don't know who he is or what position he plays - but I like it.
  13. I seen on Twitter that only ourselves and United haven't made a signing yet. I wasn't expecting a revolving door anytime soon but even to be linked with someone would be a start.
  14. Fair enough. Money talks for a lot of players at the end of the day and we're not going to compete with many teams down there. Let's hope MM has some more class contacts up his sleeve.
  15. Have you read that somewhere, or just the grape vine? That would indeed be a worry
  16. RMcG saying in the P&J that season ticket sales have already passed the whole of last season, which of course is good. He has however also said that RCTV will be no more next year, which is a bit of a kick in the balls for supporters who live outside of the Highlands.
  17. Aye, it'll be a right laugh. Taking Vokins into the equation - and potentially Iacovitti as well - that's half the starting XI that's going to need replaced. 10 players leaving this summer according to MM's end of season interview, 6 loanees + Cookie, Donaldson and Spittal would leave one more from Iacovitti/Paton/Cancola? That's assuming that number hasn't risen, of course.
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