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Everything posted by shetlandbairn

  1. Ditto. At the AECC. Don't really like Franz Ferdinand to be honest.
  2. The album's really good... best song being the one I'm currently listening to, which is Rebellion (Lies).
  3. Smokey Robinson - Tears Of A Clown... much better.
  4. I work in Morrisons and two of the songs they play in store are: It Started With A Kiss (which Alan sings along to at the end of one his shows) and the song that plays over the closing titles when Alan, Lynn, and Michael get stopped by the police for traffic cone theft. I just can't listen to It Started With A Kiss without thinking of that scene.
  5. Sam Cooke - Touch The Hem Of His Garment
  6. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams sounds like Wonderwall too. Only because Summer Of '69 was good.
  7. Is it just me or did Green Day release Jesus Of Surbubia as a bet to see if they could get away with completely ripping off Summer Of '69.
  8. The Black Crowes - Hard To Handle Better than the original. Now, Scott McKenzie - San Francisco (blah, blah, blah)
  9. Dirty Dancing... awful storyline, terrible ending but some great songs and the guy that plays Newman in Seinfeld is in it so that knocks the score up a bit. 7/10
  10. Frankie Miller - Caledonia Now that's a Scottish themed song.
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