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Posts posted by CityDave94

  1. 12 hours ago, IncomingExile said:

    Hi, thanks for your reply. Have actually typed out two responses but the internet keeps crashing, so this one is a short answer in the vain hope it gets through:
    I decided to contact a local solicitor instead to apply for Professional Deputyship (it's an English case), A number of complications related to the leasehold property/dilapidations meant I could have been left holding a very poisoned chalice. 
    All happened just before the first lockdown and only now is the property near to going on the market. 
    The original post was more to highlight the importance of agreeing a Lasting/Continuous Power of Attorney within your family before it reaches the stage where it is needed, so as to make things easier to deal with compared to the Deputyship/Guardianship role.
    Let's hope this version makes it past the internet gods......

    I hope things are improving for you now things appear to be moving. It's good you knew before hand what you were getting into about the property, some people don't do a full check, solicitors do a fine job checking for any legalalities or previously unknown factors. In our case selling my father and mother's property after my father passed was very stressful and took 9 months which I understand was a short time in comparison, didn't feel like it. Just relieved when it was sold, its a huge weight of everyone's shoulders. Similar we knew what financial complications were attached to the property and any debt was paid off from the estate once the house was sold

    Everyone's experiences are different. I found the guardianship was extremely valuable as it gave us more say than social work when it came to deciding which would be the best care home for my mother and how she was looked after and that was absolutely worth it as she was and still is very well looked after. Her social worker's choice ended up being shut down not fit for purpose a year later. My side of the guardianship is dealing with the finances and that certificate you get is so valuable for such things as dealing with the bank, pensions, life insurance and household bills, changing address, it opens doors. It isn't as quick as if it were your finances and arrangements so you always need a bit of patience. If there is one certainty you need when looking after someone with dementia its patience, extremely difficult when completely stressed out 24-7 and trying hard not to show it, because you can't show it.

  2. 1 minute ago, NorthStand10 said:

    Spot on. He takes his opinions as facts and when someone proves him wrong he either doesn’t reply or throws his toys out the pram. He mentioned “dressing room unrest” but apparently he “can’t get into it as it’s private.”

    He also said we have good squad depth and should be higher in the league, if he think’s having 2 senior player on the bench is good depth god help him (a goalkeeper and George Oakley). Also refused to accept injuries to key players are badly impacting us.

    Also, apparently results matter not win percentages, while that might be true to an extent don’t the results determine the win percentage?

    On here stats are like the word of God, thou shalt not blaspheme against or deny the true holy numbers.


  3. 15 minutes ago, bdu98196 said:

    I don't give 2 fucks about Rangers or Celtic and see no relevanceto anything here. Not once have I suggested we aren't still capable of competing but we should be in a much better position than are and based on current for longer than just 2 games we are relegation form not promotion or title winning. Those are facts.

    You haven't answered my question on why you dismiss stats, as everything in your interpretation of stats influences your opinion right there in your post even though you don't realise it.

    And your opinion is not automatically a fact just because you say and seriously! .....based on current but .....erm for longer than just 2 games??. 😂 Do you understand what current form is?

    If you want to be selective with stats that's up to you, personally I find that piece of goal post moving hilarious.

  4. On 09/01/2023 at 07:52, bdu98196 said:

    Stats mean very little, its actual results that mean something. Churning out the usual Pele or Robbo#1 have great stats and highest win ratios, even seen someone lumping Dudds into there means pretty much f**k all. Playing in the seaside leagues or even the Championship compared to guys who managed the team in the Premiership is useless. Facts are our most successful manager (whether anyone likes it or not) is Yogi, he delivered 3rd place SPL, a SC and a LG final - those are facts.

    Current fact is this Championship is absolute shite quality (possibly even worse than last year and that is some going) and we have a team and budget (shown by the size and depth of our squad) that should be fighting for the title which we are not.


    I'm a little slow to catch onto your logic here, so could you explain why stats should be dismissed as previously I understood the relationship between the two is that statistics are facts as numbers or numbers as facts which ever way?  Your actual results are stats as well as facts.

    Your own conclusion that Yogi was our most successful manager could not have been arrived at without using stats to support that viewpoint and prove that as a fact, which is correct.

    Also given that we are 10 points behind the leader at 20 games in 6th place and compare that to Rangers in 2nd place 9 points behind battling away with Celtic which is still regarded by many as a battle for the title since its only January, I can't see why we are not regarded as not still in a battle for the Championship title if there is only a one point difference in comparison. It can't be one is and the other isn't just because we are sitting 6th with other teams inbetween us and Queen's Park.



  5. On 07/01/2023 at 18:59, IncomingExile said:

    Without writing an epic post, just thought it was worth highlighting how important it is to sit down with your family and talk about arranging a Lasting Power of Attorney. I'm now into my third year of stress and hassle because an elderly relative refused to agree to an LPA arrangement before his health deteriorated and he went into a dementia nursing home.

    Once he'd been discharged from hospital lacking mental capacity, it was too late for an LPA to be formalised.

    Instead, I had to apply to the Court of Protection for Deputyship (Guardianship in Scotland, but it seems to be equally as onerous upon the applicant). It's obviously set up to protect the afflicted individual but places various liabilities upon the applicant, which in my case I could not afford to take on.

    With an LPA in place I could have arranged settlement of his outstanding debts, and sold his house to secure his finances and pay for the £50,000 plus in care-home fees that he's run up. .Instead, it's three years down the line, bailiffs have been involved and I've had to get a solicitor to be appointed by the Court instead. 

    People think nothing of making a Will for when they snuff it, but not an LPA in case they become incapacitated, temporarily or permanently. It really is worth the extra couple of hundred quid, you can get it all agreed now when you're all fit and well, then keep it in a drawer just in case it's ever needed. 

    I'm not savvy enough to post links but there's plenty of information online. I'd recommend anyone to spend a few minutes reading up, then having a conversation with their family. 


    Hi, you must be going through a real tough time, I have had shared guardianship over my mother for six years under similar circumstances but though I've found the guardianship (Scottish) one of the easiest part of caring and taking responsibility, the only difference being its the court rather than the relative that awards you those powers.

    I'm a bit confused about your experience with applying for guardianship, did the court award you guardianship or did you decide not to go through with it after applying?

    Was it through the Scottish court?

    And if you have guardianship why do you not have the authority to sell the house and sort out his finances, with guardianship you should have exactly the same power to look after your relative as with POA?

  6. 13 hours ago, scottsdad said:

    Not surprised that William beat Harry in a fight. 

    I heard that William can take a pounding for hours and hours and still carry on as normal, walking down a line of well wishers like John Wayne entering a saloon. 

    Yes but Harry killed 25 people while in Afganistan.

    Not sure if it was hand to hand combat or from distance via drone or helicopter as I didn't read the article.


  7. 22 minutes ago, Central Belt Caley said:

    Also Devine, Shaw and Harper all getting injured during the two week break the team had surely ends the run of “All the injuries have happened during games” line trotted out by Dodds at every opportunity 

    Duffy would be suspended as well.

    Not looking good for out b-team defence against Mitch Megginson.

    I can see us getting thumped again.


  8. It would be safe to assume there will be changes to the starting 11 from our Christmas gift to Partick Thistle.

    Devine back and Henderson making his debut would be two obvious options.

    edit -  that is if Devine is fit. What's happened to Harper?

    Is this policy of not updating anyone our now even longer injury list a tactic so the opposition doesn't know who they will be facing.



  9. 5 hours ago, bdu98196 said:

    It's tomorrow and given the activity on this thread, its questionable whether fans from either side give any fucks about this game. Which is perhaps indicative of the general malaise around our club at the moment and that Cove are just an extensively bank-rolled HL outfit.

    Wait a minute, Cove have fans?

  10. 8 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

    That’s what I meant earlier though. What about when they start making computers which don’t have say a USB ports that they can be connected to because the computer moves to USB C or something and you don’t notice? Or the file types can no longer be opened due to file types no longer being supported?

    We had a unit that had older equipment so that old media could be accessed. Lots of people had old floppy discs and CDs they could no longer access as their new computers no longer have disc drives of any variety. 

    If you want to preserve them then you need to take some care to maintain them, checking the files can be opened, maybe saving them into new formats if needed. Just backing it up twice and leaving it isn’t enough.

    The good thing is that there will always be a way of downloading from the different formats. You don't have to rely completely on computors to download your cds there will be gadgets for this if you take the time to search. I managed to digitalise all my VHS tapes back in 2010 more than a good decade after they had disappeared from shops and I still have the equipment to do this, same with cassette tapes.

    All you need to do is pay attention so you don't get left behind and it is actually quite hard to get left behind, you get plenty of warnings on what is getting phased out years before it happens if you frequently keep up to date through the music media or gadget websites or magazines What-Hi Fi is very good. The next gen external hard drives are blue tooth, which will mean eventually most devices will either reduce the number of usb sockets or do away with them all together. All my devices are blue tooth, can do both so no worries.

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