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Everything posted by sonofjenova

  1. Providence: Kicking Horse on Brokenhill - Godspeed You Black Emperor!
  2. Mechanical Sounds Cascaded Through the City Walls and Everyone Reveled in Their Ignorance. - Red Sparowes
  3. Thought I'd put a decent response in... 1) Only ever had one girlfriend at the age of 21...wasn't into "hold hand" stuff at primary and was too shy at secondary...and most of University, I suppose. 2) Favourite album is Sigur Ros's (). I could cry every time I listened to it - it's completely magical. Favourite song is Dayvan Cowboy by Boards of Canada and it makes me feel the same way. 3) I'm not going to come up with a reciprocal answer to that 4) My wee brother can kick my arse at defending, but I suppose I'm better at attacking. Possibly. Wee brothers are usually better at football - given a headstart by their elder sibling and competing against them, I'd wager. 5) I wish I'd indulged in the University "experience" a bit more in the opening years before settling down to work when it really mattered. Difficult as I was 17 for a full year of Uni but I should still have taken it less seriously at the beginning
  4. Wow, that's deep. I wouldn't put stuff like this in the public sphere!
  5. ...and it's moved onto Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy. Perhaps the most beautiful tune I've ever heard in my life.
  6. Boards of Canada - Peacock Tail Can't believe it took me so long to invest in their three albums. Absolutely magical.
  7. Clearly a Ron Burgundy alias. First year (?) students at my university get on my nerves - there's a wee hackit blonde piece in front of my computer talking loudly about the last time she kissed a girl...I assume she thinks being Katy Perry-esque (with howling looks) is the way to go...it really isn't, you trollop
  8. Greatest song ever written. A glorious piece of music
  9. A seemingly decent intellect and you're not reasonable enough to accept your brother's lifestyle choice?
  10. I'll pinch this one. Kimberley is indeed the best. 2. I've never broken any bone in my body. 3. I have never watched any of the Godfather films. 4. I have scored from the halfway line twice in competitive football matches. 5. My IQ suggests I'm a "genius". What a shit measurement of intellect it is.
  11. Oh no. Morrisons always resembles 28 Days Later on a Sunday...take it from someone who worked there for a year of Sundays!
  12. Depends how hard you applied yourself in fifth year - I made it very difficult for myself by choosing a course with high entry requirements. And OI! When you're next needing a Master of Engineering in Computer Science, don't come crying to me
  13. It's quite a common thing on this forum, to be honest. My reason to be furious - went into the town for some clothes, etc. Items I like either look different in store to what they do online, or aren't in stock. Ended up getting one item out of about five I'd have liked. Waste of time.
  14. Honestly? Fifth year was hell. First-third year at university was a cakewalk by comparison.
  15. I'm up to my neck in uni work and I've acquired an ear/throat infection that seems to be doing the rounds just now. Wonderful timing
  16. I'm sure I know his sister. He's related to Rosie Kane, I think!
  17. Burn After Reading - 7/10 Good entertainment, . Brad Pitt's performance was worth the admission fee alone, though I wasn't overly sold on Frances McDormand's character.
  18. It's been the in thing for as long as I can remember. You get them for free so I suppose that's some consolation for advertising some shitey nightspot all day... ...we're getting old, aren't we?
  19. I noticed that one - they're probably just reducing it back to the price it was before their latest round of price increases.
  20. "The case against Clevinger was open and shut. The only thing missing was something to charge him with." :)

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