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Everything posted by Anotherlichtie

  1. First off. Your grammar is very poor. Back to Wardykes for you. secondly. Why would anyone on here know who the club are signing? Do you think this forum is full of football agents?
  2. 6 posts. All asking for transfer gossip. Off you pop
  3. Just checking in after receiving an abusive messsgr from a Hamilton fan.A club and team I despise more than the old firm. any idea who won the awards yet?
  4. Not triggered at all. But thanks for your concern
  5. I bet that sounded really funny in your head didn’t it? But it’s not the same as not going to games. I’d like to say you know that, but your lack of basic knowledge and understanding is painstakingly obvious that I’m really not sure.
  6. Do you know who won? Cmon mouthpiece let us all know.
  7. Here’s a little free advice. If you don’t go to the game just don’t comment on it. Thank you in advance from the majority of the posters on here
  8. Sorry to bang on about the “Awards night” again but has anyone seen the winners announced anywhere? Or are the run of the mill Arbroath supporter not privy to this information?
  9. I disagree. He didn’t show too much for me to think he could be an asset to us.
  10. Maybe if you actually attended games other supporters/posters would take your drivel more seriously. Until then you should refrain
  11. If that is indeed all true then it needs changed going forward.
  12. No need to apologise and I hope you had a lovely evening. But you have helped me prove my point. This night was never meant to be for supporters. It’s for businesses and sponsors. And it looks like they were the only guests who were given the opportunity to purchase a table. That’s totally unforgivable and a punch in the mouth of the support who in all fairness have stayed loyal to the club through 2 horrible seasons.
  13. How did you get a seat to the awards when they were never advertised. Not being negative towards you i am just curious
  14. I do not believe for a second that you have been to many games in person this season. So what you should do is accept the L on this (and your Ali Adams bullshit) and move on. Thank you kindly
  15. Correct me if I’m wrong here. You don’t actually attend games and only watch via a dodgy stream yes?
  16. Don’t believe anything that rag says. Scum
  17. As Iv said before this was an awards evening/dinner that wasn’t advertised to supporters and given to sponsors. That needs to be addressed as well. For all the good people at the club they certainly don’t help themselves with these decisions. I said a few months back I won’t be purchasing a season ticket for the 24/25 season but let’s be honest il change my mind before the start of the season. Arbroath is like an addiction and I’m a junkie
  18. Il also say that Adams should wind it in and show a modicum of class.
  19. Afternoon all. a few things 1- Regarding yesterday’s game. I don’t think we should look to much into that. It’s a team of players already checked out with many of them not going to be at the club next season. I still see effort which is good but we just lack any quality. 2- Regarding the awards ceremony. I see this wasn’t advertised meaning the tables were given to sponsors or the usual board room crowd. I find that completely unacceptable. Those nights should be for the “supporters” and them only. This clearly shows how disengaged the club are with the true supporter. And I fear that they will not be able to have that connection again.
  20. That guy is an embarrassment. Volunteer or not he is only out to say a couple of daft comments that will go viral on social media. He’s also terrible at the job of commentator
  21. Not a good result for them but they are still in the playoffs and have a chance of bypassing us. Maybe hold off the mocking until they can’t get promoted
  22. Some are. Others involved are interested only in personal gain. But I don’t want to start that argument again as a certain poster will return with HMRC screenshots.
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