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Everything posted by Anotherlichtie

  1. Can someone explain to me why the club apparently said all AGM talk shouldn’t be shared, yet the courier have splashed all the details and figures all over the internet?
  2. Haha! What a complete fool. He must have hated the last 6 years.
  3. Keyboard Warrior with your passive aggressive bullshit
  4. So you’ve clearly lost the argument and thrown your toys out the pram. Football has changed massively since the 70s and you know that.
  5. Oh do keep up Clashy FFS Im disappointed in Heatherington. Iv got it on good authority a contract was offered and he has decided to play in league 1
  6. Looking forward to your update on Corfe, Fosu and the rest of the diddys that no longer play for us
  7. A few teams in our league doing business so it would be reassuring to see us get a few more bodies in soon. Another striker and some defensive cover would be my priority
  8. Not entirely sure why you would be bringing up a team 2 divisions below us, that are not in our Viaplay group and have signed 2 players who aren’t good enough for us. Arbroath Football Club thread doesn’t seem the place for it
  9. Keyboard Warrior Haha Calm down Steve, your going to give yourself a heart attack
  10. The club posted photos of the Q outside the shop on Saturday for the release of the new home shirt. It’s not particularly my cup of tea but it will still do a roaring trade.
  11. You never heard of sarcasm you grade A idiot? Imagine getting upset about that clearly tongue in cheek comment.
  12. That’s great to hear. And don’t worry about upsetting our already fragile support, some people just like a moan. As you say the members who have joined deserve a few extra perks. Il consider joining this season myself.
  13. Looks well attended. I hope all who had the privilege of attending had an enjoyable evening and gave Bobby a vociferous send off.
  14. The season isn’t technically over yet either. Partick and Ross County still have one game to play
  15. I see via social media that the supporters club are having a farewell event for Bobby Linn this evening. That’s lovely to see. It’s only for their members which i unfortunately am not one. It would be great to see the club do something similar. Hope the lucky members have a wonderful night and send Bobby off with the best of wishes for his future.
  16. You’ve been quiet. Still mourning the relegation of your big team?
  17. Is your profile picture from our game with Kilmarnock? Is that how obsessed you are with Arbroath FC. Even with all your recent success including a league title you’ve picked that? That’s pretty pathetic
  18. I bet that sounded really funny in your head didn’t it?
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