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Posts posted by Jedi2

  1. Can't recall seeing a Ref so out of his depth and having no control of a game from the 1st minute as badly as that before.

    How there was no VAR check for the 3 times we had a player manhandled and the hauled to ground in the box while waiting on a corner in the 1st half, no idea.

    Clearly St.Mirren could and should have had 2 reds..eventually when you see the Sportscene angle with Wright and Rooney, yes, it's a red.

    Penalty..very soft, and a definite case for Wright actually trying to get his arm out of the way.

    What did he actually need VAR for to disallow the late goal? ie how did he actually fail to spot the clear foul and 'give' it as a goal in the first place?

    Honestly dont see how a Ref that bad can be given another top flight game.

  2. Last 2 performances have been a major improvement from the Euros, and we should probably be sitting with 2pts in the group tonight rather than 0.

    At least there are signs of the likes of Doak, Conway, Morgan coming through. We have been unlucky with the injuries to all of Hickey, Tierney and Lewis Ferguson..all of whom would probably be starting games.

    On the evidence of these 2 games we have a chance of taking points from Croatia and Poland and not finishing bottom, and then building for the WC Qualifiers.

    Don't see the point of binning Clarke on the back of 2 improved performances and very narrow defeats in League A. Clearly the Euros were very poor, but better to give him the rest of the Nations League and then where we are from there.


  3. That is a kick in the teeth, as it is probably the best we have played since Spain at home. Much more positive going forward, moved the ball quicker and better than in recent times, and but for 2 defensive howlers in giving away mad penalties would have come out with a positive result.

    Better signs all round though.

  4. When Labour make reductions in unprotected areas..of course its major Austerity.(and, despite the Tories having left a £22 million hole, its Labour's fault)...when other parties slash £500 million from public services, end a promise for Universal Free School Meals, and freeze the Council Tax to appease middle class voters and thereby starve local authorities of property funding, its 'balancing thr budget' and of course 'Westminster's fault' 

    Couldn't take a blowtorch to their neck 

    Note: Didnt 'name' any party in particular 

  5. The Scientific view of creation obviously rests on the Big Bang..developed in the mid-1960s.

    There, you have a random singularity popping into existence (into what was obviously, 'nothingness') exploding, and producing the matter to form the universe, including hydrogen and helium, the basic building blocks of life.

    What Science doesn't and can't answer, is...where did the singularity come from? Why would it contain elements for life? Or..were there lots of Big Bangs before one of them 'worked'?

  6. On 29/08/2024 at 23:34, Sheas_cake said:


    @Jedi2 will be absolutely furious at this betrayal.

    What betrayal? I appreciate that Labour only get 2 months to 'fix' the country, while for some other parties I am not allowed to name, 17 years (so far) in fairness, isn't enough time for them to do so...perhaps they 'just' need that extra 5 years to take them up to 24 years in power then it will all be fine.

  7. Farage is absolutely culpable for this, and enabling folk like the woman in Sunderland with two teeth hissing 'we want oooorr country baaack'.

    Reform were going nowhere until the gammon's gammon himself, decided that it was 'time' for his return leading to the 'that Nigel just says what most folk fink' attitude.

  8. 🍿

    6 hours ago, Wee Bully said:

    Ah, you are here.

    So, tell us about the £20bn black hole, which you denies was even £18bn. Were Labour lying again?

    Not allowed to comment on either the SNP or Labour, as we know, so clearly 'no comment'

    Football and film/TV related comment only.


  9. Went along to City v Thistle. Strange game. Thought City did relatively well, 1st half, looked solid enough at the back, and seemed to be coping, with Thistle struggling a bit to fashion many chances.

    2nd half, once the 1st went in, City essentially collapsed and in fairness, Thistle were very clinical after that.

    Didn't feel like it was going to be anything like that scoreline at HT, but Thistle clearly had some gears to move up.

  10. 24 out of the 40 Bill's announced affect Scotland, so over half. (According to the Scottish Parliament's Website)

    Including Equal Pay for ethnic minorities and people with disabilities, GB Energy, National Wealth Fund, Banning Fire and Rehire, and Zero Hours, Statutory Sick Pay, new Council of the Nations, Border Command (Immigration), Renters Rights, Cyber Security, Bank Recapitalisation in the event of small Banks going under, ending Heridary Peers in the Lords, phasing out Vaping and Smoking.


    On the same day, Angela Raynor dismissed JD Vance's comments about the UK, so not quite 'cosying up' to Trump.

  11. 9 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

    What point are you trying to make here?

    1. Is foreign investment bad?
    2. Would this investment not be made in an independent Scotland?
    3. You hate Kate Forbes, so anything she says is bad?
    4. All 3 of the above?

    Foreign investment is not 'bad', no, as long as it doesn't involve a firesale of assets.

    Would it fall initially under Independence? Yes, as Scotland at the start wouldn't have a Central Bank, would still be using sterling, amd wouldn't have had the opportunity to build up reserves of foreign capital. Therefore foreign investors would see Scotland as a 'riskier' prospect as it would take time for Scottish businesses to find a level in International money markets, as these had decoupled from the UK At the moment as 'part' of the UK, Scotland is clearly doing pretty well in terms of FDI.

    I don't like Kate Forbes in the sense that she is a neoliberal with very Tory tendencies on public services.I do however think she is generally a person of 'principle' as she won't back down on her views when challenged on them. Her saying that FDI is 'doing well' in Scotland, isn't 'bad', no...see the point about this being while Scotland is part of the UK above. Therefore Scotland appears to be an attractive enough place to do business in...again while 'part' of the UK.


  12. 8 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Uh, Jedi

    My original response was to your claim that Labour were "less than a week in and already delivering"

    You specifically stated "6500 Teachers: Recruitment boost underway with an expansion of adverts, vacancies and online targeting for recruitment"

    I think it's fair for everyone to point out that no teachers have been recruited yet, and that when they are (or should that be if??, they will be recruited in England only.

    Have never disputed that Teacher Recruitment, 'solutions' to the NHS, etc only apply to England. The point still stands that starts have been made. As they have with the National Wealth Fund and Immigration.

    We do know of course that the SNP are currently aiming to cut over 400 teachers in Glasgow alone.

  13. 41 minutes ago, GTee said:

    So if the Westminster decide to spend some more money on the English NHS, the Scottish Government gets a population percentage to spend on the Scottish NHS. Great to have extra funds but must be pretty difficult plan for this. I guess the starting point is to assume no extra funds, and then be grateful if Westminster decides to spend some. Maybe this is not how it works. 🤷

    It works out at around 10% of UK govt spend at WM..(despite Scotland having 8.2% of the UK population the spend is 'higher' to account for Scotland having around 50% of its budget devoted to public services, so if WM spent an extra say £10 billion on Health, Scotland gets an extra £1 billion.

    The Barnett payment in the last year was £41 billion. Barnett is funded by taxes gathered across the whole of the UK, and of course the Scottish govt keeps and spends all tax raised in Scotland as well, with most tax powers aside from NI, fully devolved.

    It means that for every £100 per person benefit of spend in England, the spend is worth £126 per person in Scotland.

    Obviously during the Pandemic and the recent Cost of Living situation, there were increased payments by the UK govt to Scotland to cover these...Scotland would have struggled to cover furlough etc if say we had become recently Independent following the 2014 vote.

    Under Devolution the vast majority of services are under the control of the Scottish govt aside from NI, pensions, foreign affairs, defence and broadcasting. Of course how money is allocated and spent in Scotland, has been entirely decided by the SNP for the past 17 years.


  14. 3 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

    You've answered your own question.

    Given that there has been no announcement (that I am aware of) as to exactly how long it will take to recruit the 6500 teachers, it's not possible to work out the Barnett consequentials. This is obvious to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. At this exact moment, the consequentials to be zero, as no new teachers have been appointed.

    Similarly, starting an audit of NHS finances doesn't really equate to new money for Scotland.

    In reality, Labour have done the square root of f*ck all (so far) toward fulfilling their manifesto promises toward the NHS & education.

    I know...a whole 7 days in power and they haven't cut waiting lists or hired 6500 new teachers yet...absolutely chancers. 

    Meanwhile I see that Kate Forbes is trumpeting Scotland having the 2nd highest foreign direct (private) investment.outside London..which is while being part of the UK of course.

  15. 1 hour ago, lichtgilphead said:

    Simple arithmetic, obviously.

    Are you totally incapable of doing your own research?

    Cost to hire a planner ~£45000 per year (based on https://uk.talent.com/salary?job=planner salary plus on costs)

    Number of Planners 300

    Timescale  - all in place by March 2026

    Total Cost = £13,500,000 over 2 years

    Yearly cost to hire 300 planners in England = £6,750,000 per year 

    Barnett consequentials flowing to Scotland = 8.645% x increase in spending in England = 0.08645 x 6750000 = £583537.50 per year

    Population of Scotland 5.454 million

    583537.50/5454000 = £0.10699 

    As I said, that's just under 11 pence per year each for everyone in Scotland. Simple stuff.

    So no comment on what the increased spend on the NHS or Education is yet, which of course also goes to Scotland as a percentage....reason being we don't yet know what it will be 

  16. 2 hours ago, coprolite said:

    I think your triumphalism is a bit premature. 

    Stopping Rwanda is obviously good and an actual achievement. It is the lowest of low hanging fruit though. 

    The windfarm reversal is also good. Even if it's a devolved issue, the greenhouse effect doesn't stop at Carlisle, so this will benefit even the most parochial of Mcglashans, if only marginally. 

    As far as I know, they haven't actually recruited thousands of teachers, built hundreds of thousands of homes or got any big investments on the go yet. Maybe see how they get on with it before starting the fellatio. 

    Nothing on restoring employment protection yet. 

    My recollection was that it was mostly people who were behind labour that were saying they were only trying to look like tories to get elected and would do labour things in office. No sign of that yet.... 


    Don't disagree that we need to 'see the numbers' regarding 6500 teachers (over a 5 year period of course), number of houses (same), and waiting lists. And yes 'halving' violence against women and girls is essential but will also take time 

    However it is at least a 'good' start to already be getting the foundations in place.

    Not yet convinced that the first 2 years up until 2026 of (any) govt will be long enough to say 'look Labour have failed' for Holyrood, and given that most of their policy proposals only affect England and Wales in any case...

    At the same time no-one has any idea what 'events' could transpire between now and then..the Tories after all, came in, in 2019 promising to level up, but that was shelved in fairness due to spending £400 billion on furlough and vaccines (as well as shuffling cash to their pals for PPE of course). Also in 2019 we didn't then have Putin attempting a full invasion of Ukraine which pushed up energy and food prices across Europe.

    Labour also need 'luck' to have a term in office which isn't derailed by outside forces of wars, pandemics, and indeed a Trump re-election.

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