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Everything posted by Jedi2

  1. Biggest and most important lesson Labour learned from 2017 and 19 was the need to ensure that our vote was spread around the country, rather than piling up the higher numbers in big cities and safe seats. Factors already mentioned with Farage returning to lead Reform and eat away at the Tory vote, as well as disillusionment with the SNP record in Scotland, has obviously helped that vote spead across the UK It is notable however that the only place where Labour's vote is actually down is Wales, where of course there is (understandably) disillusionment with Labour's own record in govt. 2 big battles to come at both Holyrood and the next GE, where it will be important to keep that vote spread going (on a relatively) small overall share of around 35% both in Scotland and the UK. (I accept that there is no great 'love' for Starmer yet, more of a 'not the Tories again narrative) Clearly, if the SNP sort themselves out they are still likely to win the most seats at Holyrood (though not a majority), and Reform will still be a factor which could start to eat away at Labour votes as well as Tory. It's relying on a poor SNP showing between now and 26, as well as disillusioned Tories continuing to switch to Reform...neither is guaranteed. What will also be required, of course, is to be seen to be making tangible improvements to people's lives in Health, Education, Housing, Social Services, the Environment, and Immigration over the next 2 years (initially). Ideally it will be a 2 term task though. If we can't do that, then a (potentially reinvigorated) SNP will deserve to win at Holyrood again in 26. Independence hasn't 'gone away', far from it, (and nor it should) and the grassroots will be important outside the SNP to keep in going in the next 2 years as well. Lots to play for all round...
  2. Would largely agree with this. Another couple of factors: Ironically had Farage not 'returned' just a few weeks ago, don't think Reform would have done anything like as well as they did. For probably 90% of their voters he is the 'face' they need to back them, odious though he is. That would have meant the Tories traditional vote holding up better and a smaller Lab majority. You are right that, had Starmer set out a more 'Corbyn like' offer, the right wing media would have been all over it. Given that we have only ever had 7 Labour PMs it is incredibly difficult to win with a more left leaning manifesto. However, despite the point above about the Tory vote holding up better had Farage not intervened, after Truss they were never going to 'win' this election..once their economic credibility was shot...even their traditionalists will put up with Johnson's antics but when they crash the economy they are done. So, Starmer could probably have been bolder...not Corbyn bolder,no, but still...and seem come out with a working majority.
  3. Labour with 3.5 million fewer votes than 2017 (on probably the most left-wing programme since 1945) and 500,000 fewer than 2019. Shows that it was Reform wot won it, by pulling down the Tory vote. Certainly something for Starmer to reflect upon..both that Corbyn actually won more votes (twice) and that an openly 'left' manifesto went down better across the country. Also, in terms of winning a 2nd term, that ironically Reform would probably have to continue eating away at the Tories.
  4. If Proportional Representation had been in place it would have been roughly..(based just on vote share) and these obviously are 'roughly' Scotland: Labour 22 (36%) SNP 17 (30%) Tory 7 (13%) Reform 5 (8%) Libs 5 (9%) Greens 1 (5%) If at UK level... Lab 241 Tory 156 Reform 91 Libs 78 So PR maybe not 'so good' in allowing Reform to be a force. Though obviously PR if at a GE would be regionally based, so % in S.East England, NE England etc rather than 'nationally' but still, interesting to see national vote share v seats.
  5. Particularly good to see all of Truss, Rees-Mogg and Mordaunt gone
  6. They did used to wheel Thatcher back out at every election after they punted her as well
  7. I have been a teacher in a state school for 28 years now as well, and don't disagree about extra tax, if you can see it reinvested into education and health particularly the areas you suggest. Also agree that Labour could (and should) have got away with an 'extra 1p for Education and Health' approach. However being a teacher and due to various 'issues' to say the least with the SNP and Education over the past few years is one of the main reasons I couldn't vote for them.
  8. Unlikely, as if the result doesn't go well, he will be replaced soon..probably by Nicola
  9. There are indeed a good number of Undecided.. and you are right, probably disillusioned Tory and SNP voters. However, on the day that still makes them likely to not bother or just 'go with what they usually do' 24-22 SNP probably feels 'about right'. If that is the result, it renders a Labour win in England and Wales pretty meaningless in Scotland, as the 'narrative' is still with the SNP, and they still hold control of 'most' powers at Holyrood in any case
  10. And there you are..Scotsman and Independent reporting the Savanta poll which gives the SNP a comfortable lead over Labour and should see SNP 24 Labour 22 Libs 5 Tories 6 SNP lead for Holyrood also stretching away now.
  11. Left school without being able to read or write, and haven't gained either skill since. On the Survation Poll, still can't see the Tories as low as that, or the SNP. There will still be that 'can't admit to voting Tory in polls' element. Chance of them still being over 100. SNP could be anywhere from 15 to 40...polls in Scotland have been all over the place Reform...probably 2 or 3.
  12. 1. Celtic 2. Rangers 3. Aberdeen 4. Hearts 5. Motherwell 6. Hibs 7. KIllie 8. United 9. St.Mirren 10. Dundee 11. St.Johnstone 12. County
  13. Unlike France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Hungary the UK has never had actual Communists or Fascists (or at least far-left/far-right) elected to parliament in any numbers, and indeed has always avoided 'extremes'. Yes, Brexit was largely built on smears about Immigration, but it's a whole different matter actually electing far...(either side) to Parliament let alone govt. Hence why Reform might win 2 or 3 seats this time (with maybe 14-15% of the vote or maybe less). Can't see how they go from there to potentially forming the next govt. Howling at the moon about Immigration can only carry so far. I genuinely think the majority of Tory voters (in England) care more about low taxes, not spending too much on public services, being able to keep 'most' of their money and Pensions, than they do about Immigration overall.
  14. Reckon Reform might win 2 or 3 seats (on a good day) for them on Thursday..even Farage will struggle to win his seat. In 5 years time they will probably be called something else (again)..Brexit Party to Reform to..? They will influence the Tories to move further to the right, but electorally will disappear as 'traditional' Tory voters return to them rather than whatever Farage's latest vanity project is
  15. Swinney has already got his in..'this election doesn't really matter as we have a mandate from 2021 so let's get on with that Referendum' Other than that... The weather Folk being put off politics by the result in the French election The Euros The fact that too many folk couldn't find ID The Glasgow Fair is coming up
  16. So the conclusions leads to: Taxing Private School parents more Taxing Oil and Gas Giants more Taxing Property Developers more Trying to claw back non-dom.tax avoidance..... All 'unfair' and 'unmanageable' But....Taxing people earning £8000 less than an average wage and going after teachers, nurses, police and Social Workers with tax hikes is 'progressive' and where we should be clawing the money in from? Certainly removes any doubt about the clear right-left wing gap in economic approach between Labour and the SNP. If you want to protect private schools, large multinationals, large landowners, and bankers, the SNP is clearly on your side.
  17. The average wage in Scotland is around £35,000. Under the SNP's 6 bands these 'high earners' start at £26,562 (or around £8000 below an 'average' wage. Of course there is then the fiscal drag between £43662 and £43,663 which takes a lot of public sector workers (nurses, teachers, police, Social Workers etc) into the 'Higher' band...these are the people the Scottish govt are going after to up their tax revenue (worth around £1 billion more in the next year with the rates higher than rUK So for all the 'we settled teachers/nurses/police etc pay disputes (eventually)..award these workers a rise then hit them with Higher tax, which kind of defeats the purpose of the pay rise and makes it smoke and mirrors. On the Windfall Tax, the proposal is to increase it by around 3% at present (less of an increase than the Tories made in the last 2 years). Ultimately I would still rather see oil and gas giants, Private School parents and property developers paying a bit more in tax, than an average public sector worker, as, in most considerations they are most able to afford it. 20% Intermediate £26,562 - £43,662 21% Higher £43,663 - £75,000 42% Advanced £75,001 - £125,140* 45% Top Above £125,141
  18. Apology? For your condescending arrogance and constant 'intellectual superiority',continual inference of my uneducated numbskullness and your colossal intellectual capacity by comparison.
  19. You mean like when Shell (profit £22 billion) BP (profit £14 billion) and others, fled the UK when Jeremy Hunt slapped a 35% Windfall Tax (an increase of 10% from the previous year),on their profits in January 2023..think they are still here. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60295177.amp Or the whole 5% of kids who go to Private Schools will mostly be leaving? Don't think so. Rather think that they will be more than able to afford an 'increase'. After all, fees of between £20-30K a year already aren't an issue. Meanwhile it's fine and dandy to slap tax hikes on 'high' earners (by the SNP's definition) on £28,000 a year, but not oil and gas companies, private schools, or property developers. It's interesting that you mention 'disappearing' for 'ten years or so', a decade in other words, that the SNP plan to use to 'disappear' even moderate functioning of public services in Scotland for.....but its all worth it in the 'long term'. How long it would take to rebuild those public services is anyone's guess.
  20. That pesky IFS again: Here they are, speaking this time on June 22nd, about not being able to make projections beyond March 2025: We have already discussed the fact that the lack of department-by-department plans after this year means that we are uncertain about the path of spending on particular public services, and that we are unable to evaluate the 'cost' of committing to a given path of spending We do not know how total spending will be allocated between public services after next March, and, with a few exceptions, neither manifesto offered much light. https://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/news/AN_1719049537523141900/uk-party-manifestos-suggest-cuts-likely-in-next-government---ifs.aspx I know that an extra 2 minutes of the Radio Scotland interview was 'too long' for you to listen to, but still no acknowledgement, weeks later, of the IFS estimate of a decade of public sector cuts under the SNP's plans.
  21. Can folk 'change' class though? ie grow up in a Council House, manual labourer, but 'come into money', and then go onto live in the 'best' parts of Edinburgh, shop at Harvey Nics and join the golf club sort of thing.
  22. Thought it was all rounded off nicely, though a bit rushed in the last 10-15 minutes. Reckoned that Ruby's mum being 'just' an ordinary person worked, though appreciate the 'how did that fool a villain as powerful as Sutek?' was a challenge. Some really strong episodes in the Season, some not so much, but overall Ncuti and Millie have both grown into their roles as its progressed.
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