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Ceiling Granny

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Everything posted by Ceiling Granny

  1. Guy in front of me at the pie stall asked - donner pies are no more.
  2. Those railings definitely have the potential to piss people off, and if they do it won’t be the fact they’ve been put in that’s the main problem it’ll be the lack of communication that that’s what was happening.
  3. After last season I find it difficult to get too wound up about these results. Would I like a cup run - absolutely, but does Kettlewell need a decent look at all of the squad in competitive action - also absolutely. If last night helps Kettlewell start the season knowing his preferred 11, preferred shape, subs etc etc as well as who he wants to try and move out then that’s the game. It’s just one of those unfortunate things given the mess we were left in last year. I’m not suggesting it’s fine to just patch the cup, but if we don’t finish in a seeded position but start the league stronger because if it then that’s worth it imo.
  4. Absolutely agree with the above. It’s about how you split the budget, not necessarily that Bohemians are blowing us out the water.
  5. I’d hope with Goss and Casey it’s much more of a “if we’re both still single when we’re 40” type situation rather than I’d just hanging off targeting other players while they make their minds up. While they’re good players, especially Casey, in my opinion once pre-season starts you owe them nothing if they’ve not made their mind up, and need to focus on bringing the squad together for the league cup.
  6. That’s a complete joke. One of the benefits of the East Stand is being able to go for a pie or wander up the back to briefly watch and wait for a break in play to go to the toilet. The only time I’ve ever had anything spilled on me I was sitting down and the boy behind had partaken in a couple of shandies - I demand we breathalyse and confine such people to the front row to avoid in future.
  7. This is where I am with Mugabi. You could have built the team around his favoured position yesterday and he’d still have made errors. He’s just never going to be the guy you can bring on as a sub or drop into a settled team for the odd game.
  8. Put me in the “can’t believe how good Spittal has been since Kettlewell came in” column. I thought he wasn’t the right fit for us, and that it was just one of those things. Happy to be wrong.
  9. That Kettlewell piece reads to me very much as “managing expectations”, rather than anything to read to much into. As has been alluded to, I think our summer very much depends on what kind of player we replace KVV with (assuming he goes). If we go like for like, then maybe we do need a Mandron, if we change it up then not. I think there are a lot of moving parts just now and we’ll need to wait until a few leaving/staying decisions/announcements are made.
  10. I thought that about VAR too, with the majority of (granted not all) people I spoke to being against it. Still, only too happy to let the Well Society know what a ridiculous idea this is.
  11. If we had done this we’d 100% be on a 6 game losing streak come September . On the CEO appointment, while there’s undoubtedly a whiff of “shambles”, I wonder how much of it comes from how Alan Burrows left only a couple of months after the announcement. This might have been discussed before, but from my (little) experience of the corporate world I don’t think it’s unusual in such roles to do 6 months notice, some of which might be gardening leave. While I get that football is somewhat different, there’s a decent chance that if we’re bringing in someone from outside football, and want them in full time, this could be what we’re dealing with (or not dealing with and thereby reducing the candidate pool). Had Alan Burrows had to do a similar notice period (and you can argue how ‘workable’ this would have been once it was known he was leaving), we could have been much further down the new CEO search by the time he was out the door.
  12. Hard pass for me. I’ve yet to hear an argument for it that stands up to any scrutiny whatsoever.
  13. Thanks for this, I’ll try and catch up on those podcasts at some point. Just to be clear, I’m not having a go at the ‘media team’ or anything, I do realise there’s not much to go on after this season. It was just a bit tonally off for me.
  14. For the last few years at least I’ve bought the season ticket knowing I’ll miss a handful of games a year, so on the face of it the £45 quid hike does make me pause for a beat. I think though, it’s not completely wild considering the current climate and the conditions we’re operating under, and it won’t stop me renewing. It’ll be interesting to see the single match ticket prices right enough. I’m not a big fan of the “all in this together” type video, followed by a price increase that benefits the club (rather than the viewer). Like I said above I think the price increase is fair enough, and I think the club have done lots in the past to minimise price rises, help families on lower incomes etc etc, but there’s something about the video that doesn’t quite hit right for me.
  15. Rotten game, as @Well Well says sitting back and watching them was a big mistake. Whether that was by design or just one of those days who knows. Looking forward to seeing back the penalty shout we had just before United’s was awarded. Looked to me like it would at least have been reviewed by VAR, but due to the angle I had I couldn’t see if both players were at the shirt pulling and it was a bit of nothing which looked like something because it was Cornelius that went down.
  16. Honestly like watching a different team. Nice day out in the sunshine, and the novelty of not having the fear Livi might score 4 in the last 20 minutes due to some unpredictable shambles at the back. It’s been said before, but we look so much better now we’ve sorted out the defence, it’s like the whole team have relaxed. At the risk of sounding like a bit ‘yer da’, I still can’t get on board with how many subs you can make in a game. Fairly minor point, but one I feel comfortable to make now we’re less shite and can discuss other things.
  17. I remembered seeing a tweet from Alan Burrows which I found with a bit of googling (I’m not smart enough to embed the link), but I don’t know what ever came of this. The first reply to Flow’s tweet is the Shippey Campaign you mentioned. I know there was a game last year where you could get a ‘sensory bag’ for kids at Firpark, but again I don’t know much about it or whether it was in part an outcome of any steering group. https://twitter.com/Alan_Burrows/status/1367786402944024577?s=20
  18. The discussion has been done to death, but I think it was/is a mistake to measure the success of the socials posts by their “reach” rather than the “wants” of the actual fan base. I get why this is the case, but I’m not convinced that it doesn’t turn people away from social media too. There was definitely a period where I read/watched everything the club put out - now unless someone sends me something or I pick it up on here I probably listen to the managers pre-match chat, read the team sheet and (depending on whether or not I’ve caught sportscene) watch the highlights. Similarly, I used to take more of an interest in the reserves. Whether this was because info was more “accessible” or because I used to be in a position where I could get to at least a few reserves games a seasons I don’t know. Probably a bit of both to be honest, but I could tell you nothing about the reserves results/league placing/how we’re playing now (though I do appreciate that Twitter has had a bit more on this recently). Saying all this though I’m probably beyond the target demographic of social media output.
  19. Until we bring back Twitter updates during matches (not those 15 minute summaries) I’m no interested in the socials… (More) seriously though, I did used to enjoy all those footgolf etc videos, but probably watch far fewer of the videos put out now. Don’t really know why this is, maybe because there are more videos on social media these days (in general with news outlets etc) that it’s at saturation point for me and I scroll past a lot.
  20. This was awful. They’d have just about been better saying they had no commentary than that clunky overlay.
  21. Delighted with that result today, especially playing against 10 men. On KVV I think he plays better when he’s worried someone else might become the favourite. I mean is his upturn in form linked to Hammell leaving, or Obika turning up with his own song .
  22. Brain read that as bigotry- thought it was quite the change in club ethos. I agree that the delay was probably down to the board wanting end of season vs Kettlewell wanting more security, which I think is fair enough from him.
  23. It’s interesting to consider how long Kettlewell has been looking at the squad and thinking what he would do different prior to last week. I mean, if I’m him and I have a desire to go back into first team management, and I know that if Hammell gets punted I’ll probably get 1/2 games to prove myself, I would definitely have put a lot of background work in while Hammell was still in charge in terms of looking at what players we have, how the teams we have coming up are playing etc. Absolutely nothing wrong with him doing this, but the notion he walked in last week and started from zero isn’t quite there (I’m not sure anyone is suggesting this to be fair, just interesting to add context). I‘m not taking away from what Kettlewell has done btw, yesterday was far, far better than I was expecting (I’d have settled for a decent performance).
  24. Holloway is a pass for me. Also, as an aside rather than a decision maker, bringing in someone that the English media have a bit of a love in with would bring attention I don’t think we really need right now. McCann is interesting, my only concern would be whether he could hit the ground running. As others have said, were this pre season he’d probably be my choice. I’ve been impressed with how Kettlewell has come across, and it’ll be interesting to see how he sets up on Sunday. Not convinced the board will be seriously considering him right enough for all the reasons mentioned by others.
  25. I’m the same, not expecting miracles and think it’ll be a win for St Mirren, but looking for some sort of bite and for it not to be a stroll for St Mirren. I’d hope that after Hammell’s sacking that the players at least look like they know they’re in a fight. Not expecting big differences in the line up, and fully expecting Goss/Slattery double act, but interested to see what Kettlewell does at the back.
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