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Dick Peters

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  1. It's Sunday morning and I'm still not over Friday evening. We had every right to come in to this season full of optimism-we'd exceeded expectations and the club's profile, attendances and commercial depts. had all seen massive improvements. Decent signings had been made to bolster our defence and we were assured that signing a goal scorer was a priority. Instead, what have we got? A team which looks thoroughly demoralised with key players producing flat performances way below the standards of which they are capable, and loyal fans alienated by the Board's actions towards a popular institution. We are constantly assured of 'transparency' by the hierarchy. This type of 'trust me' speak is endemic, and deservedly risible from politicians. It's time to really clear the air. As I sit here, I can see 2 chances of us reaching the play-offs----no chance and a dog's chance.
  2. Dundee United deserved to win the game, of that there is no doubt. If, however, they want to become a credible force in the SPL, they will have to get rid of these two pathetic cogie 'commentators on there TV service. I have watched most club TV's in Scotland, but have never encountered such child like partisan bias.
  3. I attended the match as a neutral yesterday. The standard of the officials was mortifying-to paraphrase a quip from Dick a few years ago-'Stevie Wonder would have seen that the so-called corner which led to the first goal was a clear bye-kick'. Nathan Austin was bullied and brutalised for 90 minutes and the ref booked him! I also remember Dick commenting on lower league refs-'All I ask is that they send us a referee, no' a f*****g apprentice!' It is a perennial problem. I have written to the SFA about this in the past, but they have ZERO for fans. They disgust me.
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