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  1. I'm a thistle fan but have always had a soft spot for the queens. It is such an iconic name and strip in Scottish football Also, queen 's fans are very like us firhill lot in many ways. Very welcoming to visitors and mightily proud of our clubs' place in football folklore. So, wish you well this coming season and looking forward to some good natured banter and friendly derby day rivalry..
  2. I'm sure young Andy will be fully aware that after the magnificent hungarians defeated Scotland 4-2 at Hampden in 1954, the great puskas had this to say about his grandad: "It was the most magnificent display of wing play I have ever seen..." Andy and his pals contributed to a wonderful atmosphere in hospitality on Saturday...
  3. As an ageing jags' fan I like the QP strip - reminds of the good old days....
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