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    Larkhall Thistle

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  1. Are you seriously suggesting Labour won't take seats off the SNP?
  2. I'm not saying they have no chance, but as their support continues to plummet then it's looking more and more like "advantage Labour!"
  3. More bad news for Arthur Donaldson's boot bhoys as Angus MacNeil has his party membership terminated. SNP MP Angus MacNeil has party membership suspended - BBC News Given he has declared he'll be standing as an independent, this is sure to split the separation movement up in the Western Isles. Can't see any way back for him in the SNP now. He seems to have chosen his words with regards to joining Alba carefully, saying he has no plans to join them but not ruling it out. It would make sense for him to have a party machine behind him, but only time will tell. It wouldn't surprise me if him, Cherry and some of the other more normal SNP politicians are waiting 'til the time is right before they make the switch. The Western Isles has long been a safe seat for the SNP, but I can see that changing pretty soon, especially when you consider that the combined Unionist vote always dwarfs that of the Nats.
  4. This will be replied to in due course. In the meantime, yet more SNP misery as the exodus continues to gather steam. Firstly, following some soul searching, John McNally decides to chuck it for not stand in the GE. A good move considering he'll more than likely be outvoted. SNP exodus continues as seventh MP announces they are standing down at next election - Daily Record Then we have Angus MacNeil, literally "taking back control" by retaking the whip. No longer will he be controlled by those who are doing zero for independence, says Angus. I suppose the only question left is..
  5. Don't waste your time arguing against hateful bigotry mate.....I doubt he goes to Church.
  6. Even The National has reported this mate. He was referring to the suspension, which took place only last year. Nice try. Liddle didn't mention a 4% swing. He said that Labour were only 4% behind across the board, which is an entirely different thing. Not sure what you're getting at here. The SNP are indeed in disarray, and the trajectory is bad for them. Why should he have to quote the other polls? Not sure about this point.. I'm willing to go with your assertion that he's wrong if you can back it up. This doesn't contradict anything Liddle has said? Everyone? Incorrect. Naw they huvnae!
  7. I can't force you lot to counter the points if you don't want to. I like the article. The SNP are in complete disarray just now.
  8. She sounds like an attention seeker and is just using the situation as an excuse to go on about her anxiety.
  9. Good article from Andrew Liddle here about the current drama within the Nationalists. Mhairi Black is jumping before SNP gets the push (thecourier.co.uk) I'd say bankruptcy awaits.
  10. At least the boy has an appropriate surname.
  11. Yes it seems that a spat between the two Brendans has caused MacNeil to be "emptied" MacNeil has a brass neck to even show his face at all, given his murky past. Crazy how six others have declared they aren't standing. The SNP are more like an anglophobic freak show than a political party.
  12. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse for the SNP, everyone's favourite comedian Mhairi Black declares herself as the latest to desert the sinking ship. Mhairi Black: 'I'm tired of toxic Westminster' - SNP deputy to stand down at next election | Politics News | Sky News Yes, that's right folks, in true Nat style she's blaming Westminster! You'd think the SNP would be trying to get away from "Blamin' ra' Inglish" since they are only one point ahead of Labour in the polls. Perhaps Black didn't receive the memo. Don't forget, she's also tired.
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