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Everything posted by ClubFan87

  1. You need to stop kidding on your the only fitba man In Darvel and you know what your talking about, Scott Walker is only a squad player .
  2. For a relatively insignificant club you are never off here talking about said relatively insignificant club…..
  3. The statement gives info from the WOS & SJFA
  4. What was wrong with playing Hutton in the West Final? Or the statement for that matter? According to the WOS & SJFA there was nothing wrong with it. No rules were broken. I would imagine you would want to field your strongest 11 to win the cup no? Probably not though as it still doesn’t fit your bitter agenda wanting the club to fail. If Hutton wasn’t good enough to be in Pollok’s squad then they would have had nothing to worry about surely….. Again your not involved at the club you do not know the ins and outs and the goings on behind the scenes, it’s all Chinese whispers again about bonuses and other reasons he has been sacked etc etc. Until the club comes out with a statement on why he was sacked you will never know.
  5. Yes I do. As I said before I believe Tony would have been gone a long time ago if we hadn’t the cup finals to look forward to. Is it great timing, probably not. You must be watching someone else, there’s been nothing easy about how we have got into the top half of the table and that’s the problem. We were never going to get relegated that’s just you talking nonsense again. Today was a prime example of how poor we have been in the league. I wouldn’t be confident going into the Scottish final if things hadn’t changed. Will I be confident going into the finals let’s see how it plays out, who will be taking them team.
  6. Doesn’t take a footballing genius to have half a clue that the League form has been tragic to say the least. The two cup finals have kept Tony in a job until now. Would you be confident going into the Junior Cup Final while Tony has the reigns…. I for one wouldn’t. Taking nothing away from him for getting us there and the good results/ performances in the league but if there were no cup finals he would have been long gone by now.
  7. Unfortunately these kind of bitter people do more harm than good to the club and we all end up tarred with the same brush
  8. It definitely wouldn’t have put us in the driving seat, it would have helped yes but we will still drop points from now until the end of the season. So maybe in your wee bubble it was a title decider but it definitely was not. Again you don’t know if there is any sort of application to the council for an extension of capacity because you are not involved at the club you do not know these things you are talking about. I know it was temporary for the Aberdeen and Falkirk game. You said good few posts ago that you did not know Frank, didn’t know his involvement with football clubs etc but now how can you comment on what kind of work/ knowledge of a football club he has. Again you have no idea. You’re slating a man that you do not even know, all because he doesn’t fit into the bubble of the ‘old guard’ and you lot are still not welcome. Sour grapes is all it is
  9. What exactly has been destroyed? Your a drama queen with a fishing rod
  10. I explained in the post previously why it wasn’t a title decider and I stand by that. I will explain it again since you must find it hard to read. There is a lot of twists and turns left for all clubs in contention for the title. All of the clubs in conte For the title will drop points. So it was not a title decider. There must be applications to the council to increase capacity as we done it against Aberdeen and Falkirk? Or did I just imagine that we temporarily expanded the capacity? I cannot answer that, I do not personally know Frank, but I’m sure he’s more of an idea on these things than you hense the reason he is in the position he is. To slate him and say he’s useless is only your irrelevant opinion. He cannot possibly be judged on anything that has happened until now. I do not know how many tickets he has told Talbot they can get, and honestly don’t really see the issue and I honestly don’t really care how many they get. As long as the club gets cash through the door I do not care. You are concerning yourself with things that are well above your level of intelligence, quit while your ahead you look like an idiot.
  11. I agree, as I said on my previous post that you ignored the post shouldn’t have been put up. If you think that’s a potential league decider then you are dafter than I thought. You are slating the man for spending time with his family, title decider or no title decider you don’t need to stoop that low. There will be many points dropped from all the teams in contention for the league. Everyone can beat everyone, just look at the results so far this season. That was not a potential title decider. Someone told you Frank said 1000 tickets, you don’t hear that from the horses mouth. Infact maybe the club has something in place temporary to up the capacity like the Scottish cup games last season, you don’t know this and neither do we.
  12. I don’t think there was much in the game apart from Beith were more clinical when it counted and I do know that’s all that counts. We missed a good few chances. To be honest I think yesterday’s game would have got football stopped, very hard surface to play any sort of slick passing football on. Horrible game to watch. What is it that makes Frank Hill clueless? Apart from the ticketing issue, I don’t see any big decisions that he will have had to make yet that could render the guy useless. Give him a chance, but he won’t get a chance from you lot because he is not one of the ‘old guard’. I doubt very much he’s giving Talbot 1000 tickets, again the Chinese whispers are in full flow. When the Facebook post states that we had sold 400 tickets in the first week, mathematically Talbot cannot then get 1000 tickets if the capacity is 1200. Instead of running on here why don’t you use your brain and take in information from the club instead of someone telling you a lot of rubbish. You’re at it what would the SJFA & WOSFL punish us for exactly? I do agree I don’t think the video of the ‘hand ball’ should have been put up but it hasn’t called out a referee or any official for that matter. Im pretty sure JG has a life outwith Darvel and just like anyone else can go and watch whatever football he pleases. I’m sure I saw on social media he took his grandson to Aberdeen, are we being that petty now you are grudging the man time with his family? It doesn’t surprise me that you stoop that low.
  13. Nobody is bad mouthing Talbot just stating facts that everyone knows.
  14. I’m not up his arse at all just grateful for everything he has done at the club. The club would be nowhere without him and that’s a fact. You don’t have to like him, just appreciate what he has done which you don’t. You pick holes in everything and are negative about everything involving the club. You are bitter because you’re not involved just like your big mate Wylie. Found out and shown the door like the weasels you lot are. Rhubarb and his talbot straw, maybe if you ask nicely enough the Talbot committee might welcome you with open arms then you can take care of pretty much everything that goes on at the club since you are so well rounded…. Back to my previous point that you dodged like a bullet, do we have the names of the 2 players which are not being paid? And your reliable source that tells your there is a cash shortfall? I don’t expect you to answer though
  15. Rhubarb always gets a ticket stub, preferential treatment from his friends at talbot they are the best at giving out tickets . How big is the straw Rhubarb f**k me
  16. So if JG admitted it was unacceptable and a line was drawn on the sand why does it affect you so much? He held his hands up for the mistake surely? I don’t see what has been made difficult though, it’s only a select few including yourself that seem to have taken this to heart, as if it’s hard work for you when your not involved?
  17. Answer a question with a question I think we all know which club was not very honest with the gate money previously… only a guess as to the reason one semi finalist wanted an all ticket affair. Nothing to hide that way, but that again wouldn’t fit the big bad Darvel agenda on here would it? I know I never received a ticket stub that day..
  18. Maybe if clubs were more honest with gate money, clickers wouldn’t have been needed…
  19. So is it the committee or JG that’s made us look like idiots, as you’ve contradicted yourself in 3 different paragraphs? The only farce is the reaction to it, Darvel wanted tickets been told no tickets, end of discussion. It’s not a disaster. What’s the fascination of winning back over opposition teams now, you and your pal Wylie are on here slagging clubs, committees and supporters at every turn surely that’s not good for the reputation of the club? Doesn’t fit your agenda though. People like you have done more damage to the reputation of the club than the club has done trying to sell tickets, or anything any current committee member including JG has done. What awkward position are we in as a club, I’m sure Darvel and the SJFA have had a discussion and that’s the end of it. Not everyone goes on and on crying about things like yourself.
  20. I’m sure you will be able to name the players that aren’t being paid? Of course they would down tools if they weren’t being paid, I know I would regardless if I had another job and playing football was just pocket money. Don’t know what’s the worse bit about all your rumours, the fact you believe it or the fact there will be plenty of others on here that will run with the rumours and believe them. I’ve said this until i am blue on the face on here to you and your big pal, you are not involved at the club in any capacity, not with players, staff, hospitality, catering, financial accounts or even picking up litter at the end of the game. I wouldn’t even want you to pick up litter at the end of a game. You do not have a clue what is going on behind the scenes, you do not know anything just like everyone on here. It is all guess work, People talk, just like yourself and could tell you any old rumour and you would believe it and run straight on here and spout the shite until your hearts content. I was told this, I was told that or it’s I think this or I think that. You are a balloon. See the £8 you pay at the gate, honestly the club won’t miss it if you never came back.
  21. You’ve had no problem being public about your feelings towards the club/committee/JG before so what’s different now? No wonder you never got a reply, after everything you done/said about JG/ the club and committee, how negative you’ve been about the club why would he welcome you back with open arms? You’re deluded if you thought that was ever going to happen. I am actually amazed that you seem hard done by that you never got a reply. Significant investment from yourself? You were there for long enough and never put your hand in your pocket, don’t try and kid on now that you know you’ve no chance of being involved that you’d put your hand in your pocket. Going through the motions to try and make you look like the good guy Jim. The club is better off without you and your money.
  22. The ship sailed a long time ago for you and your pals. Don’t try and kid on it’s on your terms now You’ve no got plenty to put it let’s not be kidded or you would have done previously. You were there for JG’s money and you and your pals got found out. Keep selling those mortgages and maybe one day you’ll be able to sponsor a player..
  23. Would benefit the club financially as it may attract a lot of neutral support as well as our usual home support. Can’t have that though as anything benefiting the club doesn’t fit your agenda…
  24. Think you might have just answered your own question there about the take over If you don’t know him personally, then why would you know if he has ever had an interest in football/Darvel?
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