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p&b is a disgrace

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Everything posted by p&b is a disgrace

  1. I'm sure they wont find what they are being paid not to find.
  2. By his own admission, Kate and Gerrys attempted defence of their actions that night have changed from " We were close by and checked on them regularly " to " We were close by and checked on them regularly - just not properly " When are these people going to learn to shut the feck up? Their constant need to be on the front pages is just digging a deeper hole.
  3. I think the kid is still alive and being cared for by the littlest hobo, as they move from town to town, making new friends, solving their problems .......... and then moving on. Maybe tomorrow, they'll settle down, Until tomorrow, they'll just keep moving on.
  4. Portuguese police say they have found firm DNA evidence that the body of Madeleine McCann was in the boot of the family's hire car five weeks after she went missing, sources have told Sky News. Kate McCann leaves PortimaoSky crime correspondent Martin Brunt, speaking from Portimao, said police were "adamant" they had found the most "damning" evidence yet implicating either one or both of the McCanns in their daughter's death. The evidence came in blood samples returned from the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham. "Police say it is the most damning evidence that has been returned by the tests," Brunt said. "It shows, as far as they are concerned, the presence of Madeleine's body in the car five weeks after she disappeared." He continued: "The evidence suggests very strongly that it was not that her DNA had been transferred from clothing or from a cuddly toy. "The allegation is that the DNA shows a full match of 99%. According to police, it shows the presence of Madeleine's body in the boot of the family's hire car five weeks after she disappeared." A policeman delivers flowers to the McCannsHe said the sample of blood sent to the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham carried three matches of Madeleine's DNA. Two were partial matches that came from the car and the windowsill of the family's holiday apartment. The third was the full match from the boot of the car. Meanwhile, papers outlining any evidence against Gerry and Kate McCann will be passed to the Public Prosecutor in Portugal, probably on Tuesday. With the couple back in their home in Rothley, Leicestershire, the prosecutor will consider whether to lay any charges. He will be considering the circumstances surrounding Madeleine's disappearance on May 3, Portuguese police spokesman Olegario Sousa added. Brunt said the prosecutor had a number of options and may call for more evidence or advise on the investigation. McCanns deny harming their childFamily spokesman Brian Kennedy, who is Madeleine's great uncle, said of the family: "They are holding up extremely well." The Portimao-based prosecutor, Jose Cunha de Magalhaes e Meneses, will look at the DNA evidence as well as the statements given by the McCanns to see if there is a case against the couple. Chief Inspector Sousa said Portuguese police decided to pass the file on to the prosecutor despite not having all the results from forensic tests being carried out in Birmingham. The samples were taken from the McCanns' holiday apartment and hire car. The McCanns have been told they could be called back to Portugal "at any time". Under Portuguese law the couple could keep their arguido - suspect - status for up to eight months, although the prosecutor could decide to extend that to a year. Portuguese detectives appear to be working on the theory that Mrs McCann killed her daughter by accident and covered up the death by claiming she was abducted. According to reports in Portugal, police are to make new searches as part of the investigation.
  5. The money is supposed to be to provide support to her family. I dont think that a single penny has yet been spent actually looking for the kid.
  6. Lets put that aside for a moment. Can anyone actually see any ressemblance to Gerry in the wee girl? I reckon that Gerry found out that night that he's not her da' and that one of the other blokes in the resturant that night has been podgering Kate for years.
  7. The K is only 1 key away. Its an easy mistake to make
  8. Why didn't they come back into the country quietly - with a "No comment " to the waiting press. Why take the opportunity to have another media audience if all they want to do is get back to normality for the sale of the twins? I'm just baffled by their behaviour. Its typical of behaviour displayed in the past by the thrill-seeking guilty.
  9. I think you'll find that all references to finding blood in the boot came from the McCann camp. doubt we'd even be having this debate if the aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends hadn't decided to cash in in what appears to be a desperate final pay-cheque for them.
  10. I think the key thing to remember here is that nothing has been said by the Portugese authorities in the last couple of days. Everything thats been published ( irrespective of how much fact is in there ) has been generated by the friends/relatives/representatives of the McCanns. Now, its understandable as the McCanns were planning to leave Portuagal this weekend that the Portugese police would want to reinterview them both - and rasie their status if the new forensic evidence ( which, remember comes from a reputable UK source ) points towards them in any way. What is probably less understandable is the McCann circus hangers-on using the increased attention to fill their wallets one last time. If I was Kate & Gerry I'd be pretty pissed off at the leaks coming fromt heir so called friends and relatives. My understanding though - is that the evidence that points to them is more than just circumstancial and it puts the entire party on that night under suspicion. Perhaps they have all colluded in this?
  11. The line from the McCann camp seems to be that the UK & Portugese forensic crews have conspired to plant evidence that implicate poor Kate. Isn't it strange how many family members and friends have been interviewed and are repeating the same line - ie " any suggestion that Kate is involved with Madeleines disapearance is ludicrous ". Strange that they all use that same term. Not rediculous, or outrangeous or disgraceful - just " ludicrous". Off course, they wouldn't have all agreed to maintain the same storyline to defend her.....would they? Also strange that friends and family are slating the police & press for perpetuating the current storyline - yet theres no official word from the police. Just the friends and family themselves talking to the press ( and I believe most of them are comanding considerable fees from BBC. Chanel 5. Sky etc ).
  12. I think that whole situation is completely immoral and I'm really pissed off at the UK press for giving him millions of pounds of free advertising. A disgusting piece of profiteering from a horrible situation
  13. Aerosmith, then Prince. then the Police
  14. GET THAT LIGHT OFF!! Its past your bedtime.
  15. Buy some canistan cream laura.
  16. The Boss. Sunday night. Wembley Arena.
  17. Surely not a cover of the classic by the Irish genius?
  18. James Morrison - Better Man. This guy is going to be huge. I just hope they dont over produce him and try to cash in.
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