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p&b is a disgrace

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Posts posted by p&b is a disgrace

  1. I think Cat Stevens did a cover of it... :unsure:  He and Yusuf Islam are one and the same tho'  :)


    Nope. It was written in 1961 in French ( Le Moribond ) by Jaques Brel. Terry Jacks received permission from Brel to re-write it in English and released it in '73.

    Are you thinking of " Father & Son " or " Mathew & Son " ?

  2. It's fantastic. Steven Tyler features in it a bit, and came across as a goody two shoes  :o  who kept trying to get them to sort themselves out.

    Apparently the only wilder band - who coincidentally have also written a book  :rolleyes:  - was Led Zepplin.

    Some of the stuff they got up to was unbelievable - Motley Crue that is.


    Read "The Dirt" on holiday. Best book I've read in a few years. Pissed my self laughing - but also wept like a baby at Vinces chapter about Skylar.

  3. I love it - I only got the live version today (HMV had it on sale), not sure where it was recorded from, but it was in the early 80's anyway. It sounds so good :D


    Probably from Under The Bloodred Sky. Circa '83. Past their best by then - although I love Party.

  4. In answer to your second question, I will just say that the tour you are referring to, took place in the year I was born.  :lol:  :P


    Ya young whipper-snapper. I saw the T-Shirt and had to buy it. I've still got the original - but I've had to replace my "S" with an "XL". :lol::lol::lol:

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