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Steve Carrella

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Everything posted by Steve Carrella

  1. I'm loving Well fans finding ways they will lose to County. For the uninitiated, we (County) were honking pre Adams and have only been made worse by some astonishing loan signings in January. Lose to County tomorrow night and you have serious problems.
  2. Adams said that if we scored an equaliser we'd have gone on to win the game. Yes, Derek, in the same way I'd be having an affair with Margot Robbie if she found an overweight, bald, 66 year old man irresistible.
  3. Possibly correct. As in signing a keeper on loan to replace only one of three players who were cutting the level required.
  4. Because that would be breaking a long standing position.
  5. That's the guy who was at Dundee United last year! Help ma boab...
  6. It's hard to know where to start. Today was absolutely horrendous but not entirely surprising. This is the culmination of a club losing its connection with their fans. The "community" club claim is facile and increasing so. There are countless examples but - as cited previously-the continuous idiotic stewarding of our young supporters is now a bone of contention among the general support. If County are keen on turning youngsters away from the game then they are succeeding. Complaints about the Highland League standard tea bars are simply ignored and it it is clear that any idea which emanates from outwith certain quarters are brushed aside. It appears to be run as a take it or leave it operation. The appointment of MacKay is a prime example of knowing exactly what the supporters felt and ignoring the fact that we were embarrassed and compromised by it. Power should be respected but only if it is deployed with respect. As far as Adams is concerned I naively expected a more mature version given the passing years. Sadly, he appears to have regressed if anything. Tonight's interview is tantamount to throwing in the towel and is a bit rich having made so many expensive personnel changes in the past week. It's a mess of epic proportions.
  7. Never has the phrase Add to Cart felt more appropriate.
  8. Not entirely surprising. A bit baffled at the signing in the first place. I'm guessing he's 26/27 and he needed to claim a first team spot which was never going to happen. Good luck to him but another Malky mystery.
  9. Anyone who was at the game yesterday will agree with the majority of Adam's points. He'll never win any diplomacy prizes ,his manner is less than polished and he isn't going to forge a career in PR. Evidently he doesn't bother with the Scottish football chuminess which is both bland and achingly complacent. I applaud him for that. What I think yesterday was about was the final understanding that he has inherited a largely underwhelming squad of players and I expect significant changes in January. Our inability to move the ball forward quickly throughout the match was appalling and can't be ignored. He's drawn a line in the sand and called out the personnel. If they aren't up to improving it's up to them. I'll back him for now as it's the medicine required following Mackay 's banality.
  10. Have a meeting with Roy Macgregor, listen carefully to what he says and you have the answer to your question.
  11. Just bought a half season ticket to watch Morecambe. Hear they are fecking brilliant, travel could be an issue but I'm up for it.
  12. Interesting choice of players quoted. Good as Dhanda is (good, not great) . I certainly wouldn't have him in place of Brittan, Vigurs, Gardyne and Lawson. Nevertheless, the fact that he is the only name mentioned in the current squad just about confirms how limited it is.
  13. He's in for a bit of a shock when he rocks up and sees the make up of the current squad. Not a single one of them would get in that 2010 first eleven .
  14. Fair play to Malky, new post match horseshit. Apparently we been on the road (away matches I presume) for a while and it'll be good to get back to a normal routine. Could someone please remind him of our results in Dingwall this season. He's had a free pass for too long.
  15. Me right now, waiting for Malky's post match presser. Surely to God he can't refer to a good tactical game yet again. Wouldn't rule it out though...
  16. I think Malky having your number tactically probably reflects on your previous managers.
  17. Next up; Hibs, Celtic, ST Johnstone and Kilmarnock. If we don't secure 6 points from that by 25th November it's got to be over for Project Malky. Get someone in before January to try and address the seemingly never ending dross. If we are going down then, for the love of God, let's give it a bloody go.
  18. It's a while since i ventured down to Dens Park from the Highlands. I always found it fascinating to see a traditional old style ground which gives an insight into how you would watch a game in the 50's. It's particularly touching that the locals add to the affair by always turning up in period costume. Cheers.
  19. Quite the turnaround on twitter/ X , it seems Rangers have just bagged the treble.
  20. We are beyond dreadful. Our acceptance that we set up to contain teams like Hearts at home is inexcusable. I'm done until there is a change. MacKay prattling on about small budget, isolated community etc is not convincing anyone that he's some kind of genius.
  21. Having survived in the league by a penalty kick, decided we have the talent to play 3 at the back, bought championship players for silly money etc. etc. At what point did Macgregor think the charleton Mackay was worth throwing money at?
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