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Steve Carrella

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Everything posted by Steve Carrella

  1. For the love of God, please stop the Turner is Messi horse manure. He's late 20's and not remotely capable of playing above Championship level. Good luck to the lad but let's move on.
  2. The general reaction to last night's friendly is actually mind-boggling. The criticism of individual players and manager is beyond nonsensical. As a 66 year old I've seen Scotland hitting relative highs but more commonly witnessed absolute drivel. I know of players who did not want to be selected, players who've called off for no genuine reason and players who went through the motions on the pitch. Anyone having a pop at the current set up needs to take a reality check and understand where we have come from. This squad will give everything they have to succeed, if it's not enough so be it but it won't be because they don't care. Whilst I wouldn't have welcomed a 4 -0 defeat we need to get it in context. Identifying issues is the main purpose of these pre tournament friendlies and playing a high quality side away from home will certainly do that. I like the fact that Robbo was gutted after that game and that they know they need to arrive in Germany in a better shape. Bizarrely, I prefer Scotland going into a something of this magnitude not being full of themselves - 1978 anyone? So, please stop gurning, get behind the lads and appreciate how far they've taken us.
  3. Does Shankland actually train during the week? He looks remarkably out of shape.
  4. I need to offer my apologies. I thought we were talking about the Turner who played for Stranraer, Airdrie , Partick and can't get off the Raith bench. "Resurgent" is doing a lot of heavy lifting methinks.
  5. This reminds me of a long forgotten ( and missed) police tactic of simply standing back whilst two local worthies beat the crap out of each other whilst mouthing evermore incoherent bollocks. They let them do it because eventually they would just tire themselves out.
  6. The uncontrolled excitement at us signing Turner in the first place was absolutely mind boggling. Never a Premiership player in a million years - mind you there are quite a few in that category who are still getting a game.
  7. As much as it grieves me, today's result has made me give up hope of a top six place.
  8. Agree, I was a bit puzzled when Loturi got hooked, that's the best I've seen him play and although he was tiring there did seem to be more likely candidates for substitution. I suspect that's the last of starting with a front 3 until the split. Going to need to bolster the midfield and stop being so narrow - it's not really viable for 90 minutes. However, it's given up 4 out of 6 points so it would be churlish to moan. On a huge positive, Cowie is certainly getting commitment and drive from the players.
  9. The squad is not too small, the Kansas City Chiefs probably have a smaller retinue. We have players on loan all over the place, 87 players out injured and 53 players on loan. The issue is quality not quantity.
  10. Would like to think Cowie is going to be brave enough to stick to the three up front, you saw on Saturday how important it is to keep Brophy fit for the remainder. Goals are going to be vital as we seem hell bent on conceding from individual and collective errors. If we go down I'd fully accept it if we give it a real go for the rest of the season.
  11. It's been a while since it felt like County were at it and although it wasn't great quality it certainly had heart today. Pleased for Don Cowie and hopefully he builds on that. Some really good performances today and obviously the main plaudits will go to Brophy, however, I think it's worth mentioning that Sheaf was excellent too.
  12. I don't think you fully appreciate how absolutely honking the squad is - it would struggle in the Championship. The fact that it was allowed to get to this point is heehaw to do with Cowie. Harry Potter on steroids would be hard pushed to sort it out any time soon.
  13. I seem to recall a County poster described Ayina as talented but a bit raw. He's a bit raw in the way that Mount Everest is a bit high.
  14. Are you quite sure you support Rangers - you sound entirely reasonable
  15. "One dimensional " is extremely harsh. What we were watching at the time was a very young lad breaking into the first team and very much proving his worth. As a kid you follow to the letter the instructions you are given when you are given the opportunity. There are plenty experienced one trick ponies out there so i don't agree with your assessment. He was an extremely pleasant and enthusiastic kid who didn't get a fair blast at County. Glad he's doing well for himself now.
  16. The source was , as ever, unlikely to be the club. We are an absolute cluster f**k. I hope that Don Cowie realises he is ( for a short period of time) very much able to call the shots as Macgregor has run out of rope until he has enough time to weave more.
  17. I suspect Cowie will have learned a lot working under previous managers. All he needs to do is ensure he remembers what they did and then do the complete opposite.
  18. Not quite sure you understand the difference between a big job and a big club. Probably best you get back to abusing Welsh kids.
  19. TBF an empty suit is what Macgregor demands. Nobody is going to survive attempting to suggest that other options exist to a notion that Roy has conjured up.
  20. He's off. The Liz Truss of County. Big decisions now required because as a crisis goes this is a mega.
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