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Road Dogg

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  1. Doesn't look that difficult to get to Albania. There's multiple airports across Europe with a short layover on the way out, and a direct flight back from Tirana to Edinburgh on the Friday morning.
  2. Play McMenamin on the left is going to be next seasons 'play Gogic in midfield'
  3. Looked like the lino/4th official earpiece failed and had to get sorted out
  4. Ayunga's recently signed a new deal and Mandron is our top scorer with double figures but aye, they'll go out on loan.
  5. The opinion of Lee Mair isn't one worth listening to, guy is an absolute fud
  6. Killie would not drop the points we do... Almighty Kilmarnock who are a point ahead of us in the league? We were absolutely howling tonight but come on man, folk are making out like Kilmarnock are all conquering world beaters and in reality we're a decent weekend away from going above them
  7. Ticket office being less than helpful isn't a new thing, been like that for years. Hours are pointless to anyone living outside of Paisley, never pick up the phone, never reply to emails.
  8. Based on what we've seen so far, he isn't worth the nominal fee never mind the £250k.
  9. Aware that you're just looking for bites now, but we're unbeaten away in the league this season with 8/12 points. But aye, keep slavering your moronic pish.
  10. Quite insulting to call them impartial, actually.
  11. Spitting on something /someone is the sign of an absolutely manky human being. Being amused at folk spitting on a van is the sign of an absolutely braindead moron.
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