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  1. Murray needs to arrive, him and Mellon has a ring to it. Murray and Mellon.
  2. There's been no football played there for decades tho.
  3. Never been any football played on it for years tho.
  4. Goals talk, Murray will hopefully ne here soon.
  5. Better than 23 goals a season, is Haaland on the way ?
  6. Movement wise it's like a hare and a tortoise, surely Murray has scored more than Baka this season. Ifs, buts, maybes.
  7. Those independence dreamers are like fans of the Titanic waiting at New York harbour for it to sail in. It's not gonna happen people.
  8. Scotland is the highest for tax in the UK. The moribund SNP are a crooked shambles, the Tories are dire, Labour is a catastrophe in the waiting. Welcome to 2024.
  9. The SNP are taxing us to death, Swinney and his woke team are utterly useless.
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