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    Elgin City

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  1. Connall Ewan was excellent for us last season. Was a standout from early on and he looked assured in senior football. Very good signing for you guys. With a bit of luck, it’ll take you less time to remember how to spell his first name than it took me. Not sure I ever had it correct with confidence
  2. So close! Glad Murray scored again, hopefully do the business at Station Park next week
  3. A long trek but we should be targeting three points imo. We’ve managed a win at Stair Park for two season running and we should be aiming to beat Stranraer as it is. And as said above, will be great if we can keep the momentum going after a short break
  4. I was really taken with Sargent when he came on. I’d maybe swap him with Gavin for this one. Although I’d not complain if we put the same team out again and had Sargent coming off the bench, has shown he can make a real impact
  5. Worth nothing we’d managed one draw in nine months on the road prior to him coming in. We do need better away form for sure but the progress is there
  6. Have to say I was a big fan of playing Cameron at full-back. Really wasn’t sure when I saw the way we lined up initially but it went really well today. I believe that’s the first time we’ve scored more than two since November 2022. Sargent really impressed me when he came on. That’s the first game I’ve made this season so it was all new to me. Golding really impressed today too. Good to get three points against a side we’ve really struggled against over the past two years
  7. Cheers guys. Haven’t been able to make any games yet due to work so East Fife will be the first time I’m seeing any of the new signings. Wouldn’t mind us getting another out-and-out winger as we’re a bit thin on the ground there
  8. League campaign starts this Saturday. How we feeling?
  9. I’m so torn on East Fife. Obviously DC is a great manager but their squad isn’t that different to last season. At the moment I’ve probably got them sneaking into play-offs over Elgin, as it’ll be fine margins between us two and they have an excellent record against us (7-1-1) in all competitions since returning to League Two in 2022
  10. I hope MacLeman is a starter this season. Was dropped when Gallagher arrived but he was probably our best player during Dingwall’s absence last season
  11. I do think we’re really quite fortunate in terms of geography for this. The distances between clubs for the most part aren’t that far, sparing your Elgins, Countys, Peterheads etc which for most fans those sorts of travels are only a couple of times a season. I do on average have longer treks for my away days than fans based in the central belt, but even then it’s not as long as a lot of fans in other countries make/would have to make to follow their side on the road
  12. Matt Jamieson has left the club and joined Forres on a permanent deal. Like with Barron to Nairn, we have put a buy back clause in the deal
  13. Spartans were the best side I saw at Borough Briggs last season. Great team
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