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  1. Better to read your shite? What a p***k
  2. Never been near Parkhead other than watching the Bankies.
  3. The SPFL bottom 2 divisions are full of part time diddies with a couple of hundred fans being propped up by leeching onto Premier and Championship sponsorship and tv deals. Since licensing and Scottish Cup entry has been opened up everybody has seen how shite a lot of these clubs are. Elgin lost 6-0 at Jeanfield Swifts ffs
  4. But you’re fine with killing another league club by franchising it?
  5. Maybe if the LL showed that they were willing to open up it might change. 1 relegation spot from a league of 18 with 3 feeder leagues below is drawbridge stuff!
  6. Still be a housing estate in a couple of seasons
  7. This could all have been avoided if they had just allowed them to merge with Spartans.
  8. The manager has said he’ll give an update on players departing later this month after all the discussions have concluded.
  9. If you were a player you’d not want to be anywhere near that club.
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