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Red Kite

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Posts posted by Red Kite

  1. First siting of a fox on the pitch, at a match.  As the animal headed towards the Ashville goal, during their North West Counties Division 1 South game with Market Drayton  a wag in the crowd shouted, "He's off-side!".  The kind daft humour I enjoy.  Substitiute fox for dog and you get the vibe.


  2. 2 hours ago, eez-eh said:

    How the f**k is Seamus Coleman still playing Barclays football in the year of our Lord 2024?

    Coleman is like a sheepdog where the instinct is there, but age has caught up.  A great pro who cost sod all and came back from a very bad injury.  A lad on the local radio said he needs someone at the club to take him to one side.  If I were Scottish, my concern would be the mess they are making of Patterson's career.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

    This is objectively the best players in each position in PL history 

    Van Der Sar

    No one - Terry - Ferdinand - Cole

    Vieira - De Bruyne - Gerrard

    Salah - Henry - Ronaldo


    There's not been a right back worthy of being included. Please don't @ me with any 90s plumberball era frauds



    Gerrard has played right-back, from memory and was very decent.  Gary Neville was like a fan on the pitch, but one who could play.  Lots of good Republic of Ireland right backs e..g Gary Kelly, Steve Finnan etc.  I can't have Ferdinand.  Think he is over-rated.  Cole with Robbo as sub!

  4. 40 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

    Patrice Evra 😂


    Never watched Irwin but can guarantee you was shite as well considering he played I the plumberball era

    Irwin was sound and Roy Keane's favourite.  He also had Giggs in front of him and played to suit that.  A very good pro and could play either side.  I just cannot take to Evra and so am non-receptive as to whether he was any good.

  5. 6 hours ago, Moomintroll said:

    Very niche, but I get that reference as I live in Ellesmere Port. The lake in Ellesmere is a relaxing & very honking place

    I am still trying to work out if it's double-niche, following Ellesmere Rangers quitting the North West Counties Division 1 South because of operating costs and logistical issues?

  6. 15 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

    Absolutely - they turned the game, strangely not a word about it up against their 100 million man… 

    Media, innit.  100 million fits the modern narrative.  McGinn is the old-school in terms of building his career.  Tielemans' "rep" may have suffered because there was a bit of stick aimed at the Leicester side he was in, with accusations of some players chucking it.

  7. Didn't see that result coming.  Well played Warrington.  I think the commentators (nice to see Ray French in the crowd) were expecting a bit of Saints magic to put Wire in their place.  Matt Peat has the coaching experience. Sam Burgess has played in the NRL and is joining a team who are looking upwards. Tough ask at Saints this season, I feel.

  8. This full-back debate could run and run.  One thing of note is that all the lads mentioned remain in the memory for having played the role for a decent length of time.  I think that longevity will be much harder to achieve in the future.  Alan Kennedy was the speaker at a Sportsman's Dinner I attended.  He said there was constant pressure on you, which I had never considered.  I can only imagine how tough it must be now, in the Sky era.  Get given the runaround and everyone gets to see it.

  9. 21 minutes ago, The Golden God said:

    No he isn’t. Taylor wins automatically got that tackle on Barton. 

    Are we talking about Greg Taýlor at Celtic?  I am English so have to endure players I don't like at club level, at national level.  As a Liverpool follower, I want all our players to show what they can do.

  10. Just now, SH Panda said:

    This seems to have upset some people 😅

    Can't think of a better one mind, assist wise he's already well out in front.

    Criminally underrated by some it seems.

    Robbo is sound and has been a fantastic buy for Liverpool.  I felt he looked like maybe the expectation of the last Euro finals was a big burden.  I am hoping he can relax and perform well in Germany.  He is far more likeable than the left-backs we can pick from.

  11. I just caught the highlights and this match sums up the lure of the Scottish game.  One minute, Motherwell are nearly gifting the opposition with a clearance that looks like it is being attempted by someone who has never been on a pitch before (which I assume was down to the conditions).  The next, take a bow Shane Blaney.  Fantastic strike.

  12. Good Challenge Cup tie.  I think  most folk would have enjoyed that, if they just tuned-in as it's free-to-air.  Hull KR fans amused me with the constant calls for a forward pass.  Their team certainly upped their game in the second half.  I like John Kear on the commentary because he always seems to be enjoying the game.  Plus, Sharon Shortle actually knows the sport she is commentating on, which is not always the case with other sports coverage.

  13. I thought I might see if I can pay a first visit to Forthill for an international fixture in May and found they have had to delay selling the tickets.  Hopefully, we get a break from all this rain.  Local comps down here have now moved their opening fixtures from the original planned date.  The Cheshire County Cricket League put out a statement along the lines of they understood the issues for groundsman.  However, they would not make any changes, then had to reverse this decision.  I thought groundsman would be a great job,, low stress job, but......

  14. Atalanta fans milling round town yesterday, as you'd expect.  I saw a few had made their way up to Aintree Racecourse (before you ask, I did not get one winner) for a pre-match go on the gee-gees.  God help any of them who decided to head to Ladies' Day, today, or even the Grand National.  I have seen the carnage, which is why I go on Thursday.

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