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About Raybowski89

  • Birthday November 20

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    North Ayrshire
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  1. Laid bare is the reality that getting out of the groups tomorrow could be absolutely crucial to our season. We need to be realistic and understand (as per McGlynn's comments in the Herald this week) that it's going to be incredibly tough this season but I do honestly believe we're only two signings away from being in a relatively strong position to push for promotion. Get out the groups and hopefully we'll be able to bring in a CB and a CF.
  2. I pretty much just took it as a given that they would put the prices up. The fact that they haven't means I can probably contribute a wee bit more money in other ways, so even though the argument can be made that the club aren't getting the additional revenue, in many cases they may still see that extra money in FSS, Lottos etc. Great decision by the club and doesn't price out those who maybe can't afford to pay any more. This current board deserve a tonne of credit.
  3. Fantastic. My only regret is that he didn't score, depriving us of a full-blown Adebayor celebration. If we get him again next season, where does Hendo fit into the plans? Wouldn't mind seeing Tait given the number 10 role and alternating with Nizzy, personally.
  4. Yeah probably not. Makes me wonder what the current wage structure at the club is? According to Football Manager, our top earner (before any contract extensions) is Morrison on £800 per week.
  5. If Yeats is offski, could we get Stephen O'Donnell? Not good enough at international level but would be great in the championship.
  6. I have absolutely no issues with the current model, and I certainly don't feel pressured in any way to contribute more than I already am. I've spent a small fortune following Falkirk this season and I spend a lot on merch almost every month too. I'm not currently on the FSS but fully intend to join in the close season, not out of pressure but because I want to. Fan ownership is the way forward and I'd rather dip into my pocket every now and then than have a Mr Moneybags scenario where the future of the club is at risk the second Mr Moneybags gets bored. Whilst I do see where John is coming from, he's an old man shouting at a cloud in this scenario
  7. I get where John is coming from RE the constant asking for funds by the club. I don't have any issue with it, but a bit more transparency on how much of a difference it's making (the club mentioned Tait was only possible due to this. More of this please) would be really appreciated.
  8. He is out of contract in summer 2025, I'm pretty sure. If we can get him back on loan again, next season then who knows? We could be pushing for the premiership next season, which will make a permanent move all the more appealing. I can't see him signing a new deal at Hibs unless they have plans for him to break into the first team. If that's the case then fair enough and good luck to the lad, because he's been class for us. Or Hibs could look to sell him this summer.
  9. Can't tell if this was meant as a dig or not, but it's true, I was. (Emphasis on the past tense). I have no issue with you pointing that out. I've still got a lot to learn about things and apologies if my lack of knowledge means I put my foot in my mouth a bit. It's certainly not intentional. I wasn't aware Queen's Park were a vanity project in the same vein as Gretna.
  10. What have you got against Queen's Park haha? I've personally always had a bit of a soft spot for them, due to their history. Their squad made up the first few Scotland National teams back in the 1870s, when they were the top team in Scotland. I'd much rather see ICT go down than them, but as @RC55 FFCsaid, they'd probably win the play-off against any league one team.
  11. Anybody else really nervous about today? Earlier in the season, I honestly couldn't have cared less about an unbeaten season (as it probably wasn't going to happen anyway and the league was the priority). It's now within touching distance, and whilst I'm certainly not writing off any of our other remaining fixtures, I can't help but feel like this is the match where it's on the line.
  12. I really don't want Morton to go down, even if it would be incredibly funny. Their fans have chatted an awful lot of sh*t about Falkirk these last few years and they need well and truly put in their place.
  13. Haha that's mental. You literally posted the same thing as me at the same time
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