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Everything posted by Darwizzy

  1. Can genuinely imagine the utter mess that is the 50 year old rhubarb sitting in his room at his elderly ma’s hoose screaming at her to get him another bag of wotsits á la Eric Cartman. It’s a shame there seems to be such a large number of roasters on the scene at darvel. As much as I’ve given them stick, despite the result last weekend, had a nice day out down there again. The silent majority are decent folk and enjoyed speaking to and having a laugh with a number of fans - all absolutely sound and more welcoming than some other places in Ayrshire.
  2. Still surprised our man gave money to Matt Bampot and Clydebank’s super hyper mega groundshare budget.
  3. Not even a Clydebank fan barbs. Try harder.
  4. I’m not asking why Clydebank aren’t interested, I’m fully aware of the reasons why and agree with them in the most part. I enjoyed the junior cup, thought it was a good competition with good away days and the run to the final in 2009 was something special, thus personally I wouldn’t mind seeing Clydebank playing in it again - as well as the East teams. If it has to be reinvented then so be it - the SJFA aren’t everyone’s cup of tea to say the least - I just think the Junior Cup is the best vessel for that to happen via at least in the short term.
  5. Thinking of taking this in as seems to be most interesting game in Glasgow area this weekend. A couple of months ago I’d not have said Arthurlie had much of a shout but with Pollok’s unfortunate recent issues off (and resultantly on) the park could make it a fairly even and entertaining game.
  6. Why do talbot fans have this underdog/everyone hates us/we’re always written off mentality when they’ve been the strongest team at our level this century, as well as one of the best supported. It’s not 1992 or 1986 now and nobody’s writing anyone off. of all the nonsense the guy you’re replying to has spouted on here this is a strange one to go off on.
  7. Why are people still even replying to this Rhubarb idiot. The guy isn’t even liked by the majority of folk at his own team as he’s a sad, bitter old man with nothing else to do but moan and take shots at people. on the junior cup note, id like to see Clydebank rise above the nonsense and join back. While the junior leagues are consigned to history as they should be to some extent - It’s the only opportunity for a national non league trophy. The appetite isn’t there for a new one, the south challenge cup is no better than the league cup and it’s obvious it’s not getting any bigger. Who cares what it’s called. If teams make the step back over more will follow.
  8. Rhubarb’s missus must have left him for a guy from Clydebank.
  9. Also I forgot about the “forking out for ground staff” clause in the league rules. Disgrace that clubs aren’t spending money that they don’t need to.
  10. Scotland for a start already has too many grounds for a country of its size. There is absolutely zero need for every one of the hundreds of clubs tier six and above to have a ground of their own if it’s feasible and workable to do so. Thus clubs that can will and benefit from it to some degree. It does not make it unfair that other teams can’t do the same - there is absolutely nothing stopping them doing so. What you’re complaining about is like saying it’s no fair that your heating bill isn’t reduced because you don’t have curtains up.
  11. If people are so averse to the B team situation, then why not use this as a compromise. Boot (or at least give a small sum to) EU and Gretna out. Celtic and Rangers B back in, and rid of Hearts because nobody really cares about them. 16 team league, Bottom team in 4 way playoff with winners of west/south/east.
  12. Baxters my friend. Long term viewer of the forum, new poster. I am certainly not this rhubarb man, please do not get this mixed up. I’m certainly not a Darvel fan, and I tend not to speak in rambling criticism of everything Clydebank. Cheers though, nice to be noticed by one of the west forums heavy hitters. Although that honour is more akin to being a bingo caller at the day centre these days.
  13. A Darvel and Rangers fan calling out financial fairness… Also, if other teams are at a financial disadvantage then silly village green teams like Darvel are welcome to install Astro. It’s just a shame nobody wants to live there, support the local team, or even create the possibility of somewhere like Darvel ever needing two teams sharing. Clydebank greedy enough with their huge wage bill and massive investment, it’s not fair that they also get to save a bit of cash by living in the 21st century.
  14. For me it would have to be: 1/2: Medda and Beechwood - both great grounds with a classic feel and a mix of uncovered and covered standing as well as seating. And decent social clubs. Can’t decide between the two. 3: Townhead. Another classic, good cover and terracing and same as above re social club. 4: Newlandsfield. Probably the best in the west outside of Ayrshire. 5: could easily be a number of grounds so in no particular order I’ll mention Barrfields, Dunterlie and Holm Park - all very decent grounds. Additional honorable mentions for Glenafton, Troon and Beith - all good places to watch football too. The work at Darvel in recent seasons has been excellent as well compared to what it was. To be honest, I think we have a really decent set of grounds at the moment. While a number certainly have seen better days or need a bit of work done, for the most part the current premier grounds are in a decent enough state, and a decent place to watch football. Seems like clubs have really cracked on in recent years with sorting out their gaff. Even the only actual cage in the league - MTC, is better than a number of similar grounds, at least there is an effort.
  15. I think it’s clear to see that it’s Darvel’s league to lose. A case of go up or go bust.
  16. Understandable that late call offs are an inconvenience to everyone, but the blaming and insinuating that some deliberate messing around has been done every single time there are weather postponements is juvenile. No team has it in their interests to call off a game at the last minute. Moving games for senior derbies etc. I understand people’s gripes with but on here and twitter you’d think there was a grand conspiracy against every away team at the weekend there.
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