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  1. Could not have said it any better. Still no happy? but I keep forgetting that he is a physio, a pitch specialist, a football agent, a contract lawyer, and knows everything about everything. Not a Darvel fan but knows how they think the pitch was constructed and “knows” Syme is on the move. I hope that’s not true. But if it their reliable source that they use to get in the know for all of the above, then I’ll pass. the under 20s comment is a low blow. Presuming it was to big them up. I’m sure that’s the only reason for saying as they were outstanding last night.
  2. It’s a cup final man. Surely you can’t grudge a player who put in the hard yards to get their team there in the first place - a cup final which may be the only chance of winning a cup in his career. Have some sympathy. Any other game maybe but I would be gutted to miss it if it was me.
  3. I see Miss Ryan still bitter and twisted tonight. delighted for David and good to see he has given some of the u20s a shot. Not had a lot of time to work with them but it shows the professionals that David and the team are. after the 3rd goal I thought our spirit went a bit but it will be back Got called away but at least I’m having a good chuckle at the comments here. Not paying people and conspiracy 101 abound but personally David will be good for the morale there. sticking by Hutts was 100% the right thing to do
  4. There always is with us! I love when people say “I heard” Although shouldn’t be surprised that’s your view given your position sir.
  5. Apologies for my absence, don’t want to destroy any conspiracy theories but I’m sure he doesn’t do a bloody Saturday night shift! Anyway, back up and raring to go. Again, tell me if I am wrong but do you not need to be voted into a committee and even more so as a chairman? Keep hearing AGMs and stuff so if anyone wasn’t pulling their weight then they wouldn’t get voted for? Sack the board and get a new committee in? I know it’s not until the summer but is the club not going to be community owned? Does it have money or not? more questions than answers makes it harder to work out but if the committee all stand down in the summer then it’s a blank bit of paper?
  6. I thoroughly enjoyed the game today and personally thought wee Jack did well despite the goals. That’s why I was asking about Reegan I never saw him. You just said he was dropped because he missed the final. So you obviously know more than me as I presumed he was injured with not making the final.
  7. But I thought there were only 10 players available? Has somebody taken the huff with Reegan? I’ll be honest though I didn’t see Reegan today or I would have asked him. I did ask someone else at half time and no one knew.the reason he wasn’t playing but obviously you do.
  8. Hurry up I’ve a night shift to go on in 41 minutes.
  9. You are clearly someone who hates the guy and john gall. Perhaps with reason who knows.
  10. Not a problem, my name is Santa and I live in the North Pole but have followed Darvel all my life: they are the only team I’ve ever loved. I love chicken piri piri,and gossip and nothing more than a good bitchfest. My name is Davie. But to answer your question, where is Reegan, why is Nathan on the bench, you must know rhubarb.
  11. Ryan89 seems awfully agitated tonight. Maybe it’s the return of rhubarb . . . .
  12. I have no issue telling you who I am but bringing in names, talking trash about the above, and blaming the U20s for not being ready shows your level. Do you not think I would know more if I was one of the above. Love the calling out though chancing your arms to see who bites, shows balls even when wrong, but show some respect to the U20s. Perhaps the question should be why are first team players being kept away because there were more than 10 available.
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