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  1. A lot of ifs and buts let's just see what we have in store.. we may get brown amd stanton back..Vaughan starts hitting the net..and it all turns around.we go on an 11 game unbeaten run...who knows..I doubt it ..but who knows..I don't think Murray sacked when he did was a good decision ..also not giving mcglynn a 3 yr contract also. 2 mistakes. Hopefully collins works out..but I really can't see it...tbh...team..low in Confidence. Age against us. ..1 dimensional. No fight...no shots...low goals..need to do something drastic to turn it around..
  2. Need to get back to basics..fight for every ball..be hard to beat..keep it tight. And break forward and try and get a victory to give us some confidence...team look to be toiling.. megwa at right back and another creative 10 with a power striker would help
  3. Game of two halves.. and 2 teams..jekyll and Hyde.. defence patchwork. Upfront..I've being saying it all season. We aren't good enough..too small..weak..slow ...older than most teams. Not looking great.. I'd also bring hannah back..we need an actual defender in there...we have not enough cover.. at least we scored from open play. We must be the only team to keep gifting goals and to get a 2 goal lead and blow it...threw it away last season too against arbroath and ayr.. Hardwork ahead for the manager and players too.. Not solid enough and not able to turn quickly at the back.. lost out to a quicker faster well drilled team I'm afraid..
  4. Yes players we deemed surplus to requirements ...mistake.. it just shows a good mgr e.g mcglynn can get the best out of players and ha e them plating well with passion and scoring goals..
  5. Yes results are not good enough. We struggled thru Jan-may...Same team same results. Rem before that we were winning games by 1 goal...Strikers..or lack of them is a problem..U got to ask yourself why that wasn't identified. I've being saying on every forum..we haven't enough goal threats or strikers that score enough goals in the team and haven't had for 2 or 3 seasons now.. surely that's been seen by those in charge. Need a big name loan..
  6. Guys sounds like we are imploding ...patience is needed. We have to just let it take the time it needs.. We may have and maybe will lose a great opportunity this season but I felt the team aren't performing right and aren't putting the ball into the net enough..a low amount of chances created. It was always going to be difficult with or without Murray...Maybe Mcglynn leaving was a mistake. He knew a player and got a tune out of them. But there are other good managers out there. Just got to get someone who can provide modern tactics...get the best out of the team.. Play attractive creative successful football. We have the basics there..Good professionals ...good young players. We were 7th 2 seasons ago...and now we are gutted we aren't top....Need to put things into perspective. Keep believing and supporting our team .as we can't do much else .
  7. Airdrie 2 - 1 QP Ayr 2 - 0 Raith Falkirk 3 - 1 Partick Hamilton 2- 1 Dunfermline Livingston 2 - 1 Morton
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