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  1. Neil Collins, your football is shite, your football is shite, your football is shite, Neil Collins, your football is shite. he got serenaded with that a few times last season . No official figures were released, but the club sacked him a few days before the early bird season ticket deadline, then extended it, I think that tells its own story, the fans weren’t having him for another season. And showed it by withholding their money.
  2. On ITV4 all weekend for anyone interested.
  3. Ifyou support a Throw&Catch team, how did you pick ?. I’ve been watching redzone for years, but I’ve still not picked a to team to follow, because I have no affiliation with any of them, don’t go to games, America is a bit too far, and obviously theirs no Throw&Catch teams in Barnsley. I think the closest I’ve come to supporting anyone was when I got a Raiders key ring in a packet of bubblegum as a kid, everyone at school wanted it, so I swapped it for 6 football stickers I needed (one was the Wimbledon shiny) , a good looking king marble, and a Philadelphia Eagles key ring.
  4. I read this forum in a Scottish accent, you canny beat it.
  5. I love reading this thread, you’re all batcrap crazy aren’t ya.
  6. So why do Americans call Throw&Catch Football ?. I always thought they called Football soccer because they’re as thick as a tub of spunk, and Footballers wear long socks. Why they call Throw&Catch football I’ll never know.
  7. I don’t think he’ll be after any of our players. Or we’ll let any go.
  8. We conceded 64 goals, that’s one less than relegated Cheltenham, and more than 14 other teams, and it should’ve been a lot worse, fortunately most teams in league one are shïte at putting the ball in the net.
  9. We go through an head coach every season, it’s a new man every 12 months ish, and I’ve got be be honest, I’m not sure how he did so well with us, I’ve never known a head coach win as many matches he shouldn’t have, by the time he got sacked it was time, because he’d hit a patch where we was getting beat, and never looked like turning around, but we should’ve been getting beat every week, but some how we wasn’t.
  10. Excitement is something you won’t be feeling much of, until he’s been sacked, so I’d make the most it if I was you, it’s boredom for a while for you lot, if he’s true to form, you’ll win games and have know idea how, he’s the luckiest head coach we’ve ever had. We missed a penalty last year, and some of us celebrated like we’d scored, because he had a shot and didn’t pass it backwards.
  11. It’s over before it starts every season, it’s a one team league.
  12. I’ve been using these games as a second income in recent years, Celtic have got no competition, they’re head and shoulders above any team in the league, including Rangers, they’ve been silly prices too, 11/10, 1/1, 4/5, 5/6, I think the bookies are starting cotton on, 8/13 today but it’s still buying money. Probably be paid out by 13:00 with the 365 EP .
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