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LovaMan Bairn

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About LovaMan Bairn

  • Birthday 14/01/1976

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  1. Greens going to abstain, so fun over!
  2. The bit in bold. i'm currently looking out my front window and can see a new Cal Mac ferrie that was put into servive in June 2022. So this point is incorrect.
  3. I'm in Oban. It was flat calm but persistent rain up until 13:45, but since then there has been a very noticeable increase in the wind and ferocity of the rain. The sea now looks quite choppy too.
  4. He also killed another couple of women.
  5. I suspect our transfer budget was spent on Holt's wages!
  6. Is the John McGivern here related to Sam McGivern? Look very similar!
  7. To change the theme of the current discussion I'd like to nominate Mark Kerr and Lee Miller!
  8. Yeah that's what I remember. Local business man. Had the buddies raging that we were spending loads of money on players and not on upgrading the stadium!
  9. We were paying players 4 grand a week more than 20 years ago!!! Name the player!?
  10. I think I'm in that photo too although only partially. 24 years ago when I was 18. Remember the day clearly, good times!
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