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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Thats not the one I'm thinking of. I'm 90% sure the brawler won a battle royal to get a title shot and it was against HBK?
  2. Did the Brooklyn Brawler not get a titl shot by winning a battle royal would love to see that again
  3. Did Taka almost win the wwf championship once by nearly beating HHH or have I dreamt that? Any details on match would be appreciated unless I have dreamt it
  4. 90% of all phrases used in English language originate from either Shakespeare, the Bible or Nautical
  5. Aye its a decent song considering its Kid Rock. Shit quality of video but was the only one I could find on youtube as it seems due to copyright the company behind the song dont like it being used on youtube or something. Is it true Bret Hart is going to be in the rumble tonight?
  6. Greatest WWF video ever - through the years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKNjRIfqU3Y
  7. Gutted Donny is off I have used that money to take Etxalar at the 1.30 Cheltenham at 16/1. Was very temped to stick it on Doctor Pat though in same race. Hope it doesn't come back to bite my arse
  8. Khachaturian at 3.25 Doncaster. As high as 12/1 some places (willhill) get your money on folks
  9. Anyone got a pics or video links of the nastys these days? They werent in very good shape back in the early 90's - god knows what they are like now
  10. I heard the Nasty Boys and Venis are back in TNA?? What are they looking like these days?
  11. What time and where will I be able to get a stream of RAW?
  12. Blood Diamond is indeed a fantastic film...I think the musical score on it is superb and the scene already mentioned on the mountain is brilliant
  13. Is Jim Duggan still wrestling? Any other 'oldies' been in it lately?
  14. Oh dear what? I don't think there is much wrong is thinking he may be part of the Scotland squad in 5 years time, especially when it looks like he will be in a squad within the year
  15. I will give it a bash actually Craig Gordon Lee Wallace Christophe Berra Alex Pearce Alan Hutton Robert Snodgrass Darren Fletcher Scott Brown John Fleck Ross McCormack James McFadden Subs: David Marshall Steven Whittaker Brian Easton Liam Cooper Kevin McDonald Barry Bannan Graeme Dorrans Paul Coutts Bradden Inman Leigh Griffiths Craig King Alex MacDonald
  16. So come on Mr Arch - predict a Scotland team for 6 years time
  17. I know what you mean. All that stuff about Tom Bombadil and the Barrow Wights etc? There is lots in the books that have been missed in the films - as you go on to read the towers and return of the king you will find more and more.
  18. Just finished reading 'Friends Like These' by Danny Wallace Basically this scottish minor celebrity looking for 12 of his old friends from when he was 12 years old and hasn't seen them in 18 years. Its good 'train reading' and is actually quite funny 7/10 Going to start on Lord of the Flies which I have always meant to read but never got round to it....
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