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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Into the Wild with Emile Hirsch - 8/10 Brilliant film about the true story about Christopher McCandless - rich boy who gives up everything to go soul searching in the wild. I had never heard the story or read the book so it was even better watching. The film is shot beautifully. Good watch
  2. Blindness by Jose Saramago. Great book and there is a film being released later this year on the book starring Julianne Moore however I would urge you to read the book first as the movie could be garbage but the book certaintly isn't. Basically a man suddenly goes blind for absolutly no reason - and then it catches on and everybody goes blind. Really good explaining how the characters go about and what happens and how they change when they are blind. The blind start stealing from the blind, the blind raping the blind etc. What I really loved was the way it was written though - the author never refers to a character by name, in fact none of the characters in the book have names...they are referred to as 'man with the eye patch' or 'the doctors wife' etc. Very clever and a good read 8/10
  3. Have you ever made home made soup with all your own grown veg? Bet that is a great feeling B)
  4. I want you seasoned gardners to take a photo of your sexy gardens and crops for tomorrow B)
  5. Have you ever grown Lettuce? Its one I think I would be quite interested in growing
  6. Thanks for bumping this - a superb read and some good tips. At the moment we just have Rhubarb and Apples...my gran used to grow Potatoes, Peas, Carrots, Onions, Tomatoes, Grapes, Cucumbers etc so I would like start my own crops B)
  7. The Da Vinci Code The Da Vinci Mince more like - 3/10
  8. Its not meant to be a fast action paced western. Its all about the characters and watching how both Jesse James & Robert Ford evolve in different ways due to each other. I suppose if you dont really like that kind of thing - it might not be for you and as I said in my review of it - the first hour or so can seem a little slow but the last hour is something special
  9. The assasanation of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford - 9/10 Fantastic. Best film I have seen this year by a long way. The last hour of the film is scarily good! Top performances by Brad Pitt and Casey Afflek as well. The first hour or so can seem a little long which is only criticism. Watch this movie!!!
  10. Alive - 8/10 I think this movie is great - the fact it is based on true events also makes it better (don't know why)
  11. Accidental Husband - 1/10 The worst film I have EVER seen at the cinema - truly horrendous. Bird dragged me along to see it and I knew it was a chick flick but I expected at least one or two laughs or hot chicks etc. Nothing at all - awful awful film
  12. Beowulf 3D The films itself 6/10 - not bad I suppose, but decent enough to watch but does feel as though it goes on for ages. The 3D thing - 2/10 - Total bollocks. For the first 5 minutes its pretty cool, then it gets annoying. Certain things that are meant to be 3D were blurry, it can hurt your eyes after a while. The glasses got a bit steamed up and then I could see f**k all as they wouldnt clean and if you watch film without glasses its all a blur.
  13. Sugababes - About You Now So fcuking catchy - its been in my head all day!
  14. Rock Star with Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston Quite pish to be honest and seems to be like every other 'band' movie I ahve seen, goes from a nobody to being a big rock star and then gets mixed up in drugs and stuff and then doesnt like the lifestyle and at the end of the film he changes for the good again. 4/10
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