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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Yip Bryan was good as well. Was also impressed with Christian vs Cesaro and it looks like they may start a feud which would be good. I thought Cesaro had it won with a superb uppercut.
  2. Couple of previews - moist (especially last 30 seconds or so of the second video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-0vRWCKN8E
  3. I never saw Brock first time round as I had stopped watching it before he came into it. I have yet to see anything that impresses me either in the ring or on the mic
  4. Is anyone else totally disinterested in the HHH Brock stuff. I just skip most of it now
  5. Its a racoon with a machine gun though. Surely points there. There also appears to be some sort of tree thing
  6. Also never heard of these guardian of the galaxy guys but they look badass when I was reading about their film adaptation
  7. I have just discovered a brilliantly named comic series called 'Cowboy Ninja Viking' its about a hero who has the combined skills of a cowboy, a ninja and a Viking. I believe he goes fighting other 'triplet' characters such as a guy who is Pirate/Apache Indian/Scottish Highlander I think. It looks mental. Its also getting made into a film by the Zombie land guys. Has anyone heard or read these?
  8. I must be the only one that doesn't have a clue what a VL is?
  9. Have a guess who the new SD general manager is playa!!
  10. AW was on Smackdown last night with mic as normal
  11. I see it has made the mainstream media as well My link
  12. I was only half listening at first and thought he had made a joke about the cinema killer in Colorado from the other week and almost spat out my tea, had to rewind it
  13. Poor AW he is a great character What's with always taking off his shoes by the way
  14. Actually just found it on my phone and holy fcuk if you get 5 mins then watch this trailer!! I have no idea what to make of it, I haven't read the book or even know what its about but the film looks sensational Edit - apparantly Halle Berrys storyline (or part of it) was filmed in Glasgow Bothwell St area? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxCQ0-d_xls
  15. At work so can't see it but there apparently is a stunning 6 min trailer for a new film called Cloud Atlas? Folk are creaming themselves over it on twitter, meant to be sensational but ambitious. Anyone seen it?
  16. Anyone follow Roddy Piper on twitter, he has been going mental since yesterday. Apparently someone told his kids at raw backstage that Piper had been sexually harassing Kaitlyn or something like that. If it wasn't piper it almost looks like some sort of angle
  17. Life of Pi looks stunningly beautiful. I have the book somewhere, may have to give it a read before this is released
  18. Aye Slater is decent, never thought I would be saying that this time last year
  19. The Master - looks intriguing and an Oscar nominee type film
  20. Looking for Season 1 on Blu Ray? This limited edition set is cracking value at £27.50 Use the code 15PREORDER to get the discount Link
  21. Why all the hate for slick! People not knowing who he was, one of the greatest managers of all time
  22. Where on YouTube will pre show be at 12.30?
  23. I'm knackered already, I need to think about this one. May just get up at 5 and watch it before work
  24. Goldberg vs Ryback is in my spoilers. That's how I would play it
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