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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. I have some Z listers following me as well 2 birds from last years American X-Factor 1 bird from the Apprentice CJ from the Eggheads
  2. Aye - as a warning for anyone planning on going to see Safe House - don't bother! Its not very good
  3. Wanderlust - 5/10. Pretty pish to be honest. Few funny scenes and one liners but not enough. I was told previously that Jenifer Aniston goes topless, she does but you see absoultley nothing. What a total let down Safe House - 5/10 Talking of let downs , probably the most unoriginal film ever. The plot has been done so many times, there is no twists, no excitement, very predictable. Ryan Reynolds is good in a serious role though. Its ok for what it is but not worth cinema or dvd money
  4. Bit of a long shot but I hope someone will know - on the below WWF Desire video, I am looking for the match that Stacey Kiebler is in at 2mins 24secs???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECT82UWPgmg
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqWVZvV_O5U&feature=player_embedded#! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLlqoeLKY58
  6. Anyone seen Hawkins and Reks lately? I think they are quality - decent on the mic and decent in the ring (well Hawkins anyway) Would like to see them on one of the main shows soon as a tag team. Some of their promos on NXT have been superb
  7. The Muppets 9/10 - fantastic, had a smile on my face the whole way through. Rampart 6/10 - Im not sure I understood this which is a shame as I have the feeling it is excellent. Woody Harrelson is Oscar worthy here and puts in a terrific performance. The camera work is also excellent. It only loses points because I dont feel I 'got it'. Keen for others views on this.
  8. Anyone seen Rampart yet with Woody Harrelson. Meant to be great and an Oscar winning performance from Woody?
  9. Any threads that get over a high number of pages it happens to
  10. To be honest its time for a new one. Im fed up clicking on this thread and automatically going to last post rather than last unread. Petty but it does my tits in.
  11. The two lead charachters and their development throughout the series is the best thing. They steal the show, Danes in particular I think
  12. Also rumoured Mania match: Edit - cant work spoilers
  13. Otunga gets a bad rep but I dont think he is that bad in the ring..... I also wouldnt be sad if Teddy Long got run over by a bus. Horrible character and sadly it looks like he will be involved in mania
  14. I imagine they will be doing some sort of 4 vs 4 match with Laurenitis and his new posse (Henry, Christian, Del Rio and Otunga) against Teddy Long and his posse. Im thinking it will shite like Zeke, Khali, Dibiase and Santino
  15. If he is getting a manager it would be Michael Cole
  16. I somehow just can't see Khali entering the chamber - I'm sure either Henry/McIntyre/Christian/Orton will take his place before the match
  17. What I would love to see going into Mania: At EC tonight have the final 3 with Punk, Jericho and Ziggler. Punk and Jericho really going at it with best wrestler in world thing and Ziggler picks up unlikely win for the title. Punk and Y2J will be feuding and going at it at mania and dont need the belts to draw a great match and storyline. This allows the new champ Ziggler to start feuding with Sheamus who chooses the WWE title. Reckon these two would put on a great match. For SD I would have Bryan retain the title tonight and have him feud with Orton going into Mania. Think that woukd a good match there. Throw in the MITB matches, rock/cena and streak matches and you are on to possibly one of best wrestlemanias: The Rock vs John Cena CM Punk vs Chris Jericho - best in world match Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus - WWE Title Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton - WHC Title Undertaker vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels Beth Phoenix vs Kharma - Womens Title Raw MITB - Miz, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Kane, Zack Ryder, Alberto Del Rio Smackdown MITB - Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Hunico Epico/Primo vs Big Show/Mark Henry - Tag Titles
  18. Thought the battle royal on smackdown was quite good. Drew was looking strong throughout until his elimination Liked the Primo/Gabriel spot Thought the tag champs in general looked good and worked together well Good end result, if I hadn't of read the spoiler I would have genuinally no idea who was going to win
  19. Just watching some videos of the invasion angle (which I loved) and this was my favoutite moment by a mile, I remember watching this at the time and absolutley loving it. I was really into that storyline. What a pounding those 2 idiots took http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk5Q7NTyA0E
  20. I miss Stephanie Green dots for anyone who posts some pics of Stephanie (Preferably her boobs)
  21. This is all surely leading to Taker vs HHH vs Hbk in a last man standing three way?
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