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Posts posted by Reina

  1. Im loving placement, thanks Debbie! Absolutely wicked, sheer madness being with Primary 1, because they have so many stories and fantastic imaginations, but they are wonderful. I enjoy the placement side of things, practical aint a problem, its the theory side, I absolutely detest.

    Good to hear you enjoy the practical side. I haven't really done any theory since I started actually working, so like I said before, just jump through the hoops, and forget about it! :)

    I don't know how you could work with teenagers, they would annoy me. :)

    I don't know how you could work with little kids, I hated working in the primary school when I was in Germany! Each to their own, I guess - I get on well with teenagers, probably because we have the same mental age...

    :angry: Bad day, very bad day :angry:

    Oh dear, what happened?

  2. :angry::angry: Really p!ssed off with a lecturer. There was nothing wrong with the work I had handed in, as the information I gave was what I saw happen on that day. She ripped it saying that I couldn't write some of the things I did, because it probably wasn't true.

    How the f*** does she know what goes on when I'm in my placement. :angry::angry::angry:

    She told me today that if I couldnt fix it, I was to carry out another task, the words nae chance springs to mind.

    That's shit :( I would maybe go and speak to the course coordinator, or a student rep if you have one? In the mean time, I'd say change your essay. The problem with these courses is that there are lots of hoops you have to jump through, but once you've done it, you can do your own thing. :)

    By the way, how's placements and things going?

  3. Hi everyone! Found this site when I was using google to find a link between' the sash and the military song , Halls of montezuma'.

    Despite using the search engine, can't seem to find any such posts...can any administrator help?

    Not sure, I always find the search function on here to be pretty keich. Try the rangers/celtic forum...

  4. Hi all,

    Any sig rules or avatar rules here? And if so what are they?

    Thanks for reading, and even more thanks if you reply ;)

    I was looking on the forum rules section there, as I was sure there were rules of sorts to do with size and things, but apparently there aren't. Basically, we don't want sigs with pics that are too big, any offensive stuff will be removed, just use your common sense. :) Hope that helps.

  5. Would it not give a full list of models on the back in small print? If not then that's a real flaw in the packaging.

    Normally I'm inclined to take Tesco's side with idiotic returns but if it says "most Samsungs" then leaves it at that, then that's pretty negligent.

    I know the exact thing she's on about, as I used to take them back all the time. I took the stance that it was false advertising, because it didn't have a list of all the models it was compatible with on the back of it. Not everyone on the CSD did though.

  6. I once tried to take something back that didn;t have a tag and they looked at me as I'd I'd just crawled out from under a stone.

    A few days later I noticed there was an umbrella on display which not only had no tag, it had a huge rip in the handle covering. I was tempted to ask customer services for an explanation but couldn't face their scorn again.

    The problem is that if there's not a tag on it, checkout operators shouldn't sell it for the reason that you can't take things back without a tag on it. The problem with that is that they don't tell checkout operators that in training.

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