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Posts posted by Reina

  1. You can't do that, you can only put a sticker on a window that will not impare the drivers view.

    If you illegally park on a hospital site, you will get a sticker on either rear seat window.

    They weren't stickers as such, they were little leaflets that told people not to do it again basically. And I don't see how it can impair someone's view when it's put under the windscreen wiper. I think people are that embarrassed they take them off really quickly anyway.

  2. Personally speaking, I don't think there's anything wrong with caring more about yourself than other people sometimes. I think leaning too much in the other direction is stupid.

    I'd agree with you there 100% but I think holding your car, which would be perfectly fine in a normal space 99% of the time, in higher regard than another person is completely disrespectful.

  3. On the topic of parking spaces, can I just say that Tescos in Falkirk (Retail Park) and the one in Stirling, will announce for the owner of a car to return to their car if it is parked in a parent and child/disabled bay without a sticker or permit to park there.

    I used to do that all the time when I worked on the Customer Service Desk. I also used to go into the car park with my yellow jacket on and put a sticker on the windscreens of cars that were parked in disabled bays without a badge.

    I don't see the point in parent and child spaces, and if I had a car, I would park in one. I wouldn't, however, park in a disabled space.

    The point is that they give people with children more room to manouvere. For example, mum goes with her two children, one a baby and one a toddler, to tesco in the car. She has to get both of these children out of the car on her own, get them into a pram or a trolley, and do her shopping. When you've finished the shopping, you've got to get all the shopping into the back of the car and get the kids sitting in their seats. You try doing that in a normal sized parking bay. I struggle to get myself out of my car when I'm in a car park that's as full as Tesco's usually is, nevermind two kids on top of that.

  4. Some company attempted to deliver my passport to me on friday. (They're called Special Mail Services or something.) Anyway, I obviously wasn't in due to work and things, so they put a wee note through my door asking me to call them to rearrange delivery. Fine. This is how conversation went:

    ME: Hi, I'm phoning to get a delivery rearranged.

    INCOMPETENT GUY ON PHONE: OK, what's the reference number.

    ME: *gives reference number and confirms address and name*

    IGOP: OK, when will you be in.

    ME: Well, I usually get home from work around 6pm and work monday to friday.

    IGOP: Hmm, that could be a problem as that is when we deliver.

    ME: Well, how are you going to get this to me then?

    IGOP: We could deliver it to your work.

    ME: Grand.

    IGOP: What's the postcode of your workplace?

    ME: Erm, not sure. *hunts around for a bit* Can I not just give you the address?

    IGOP: OK, we can try that, but I really need a postcode.

    ME: *guessing* AB45 1EY

    IGOP: No, that's not coming up on my system. And it's an AB postcode, but you live at IV

    ME: Well, is it totally inconveivable that I work outside of my town?

    IGOP: No, it just means we can't deliver to your work.

    ME: Why?!

    IGOP: Because it's in the depot in Inverness.

    ME: And?

    IGOP: Well, we'd have to deliver it to the Aberdeen depot for it to be delivered to your work.

    ME: That's ridiculous, my work is closer to Inverness than it is to Aberdeen.

    IGOP: That's the way my system works. Where are you in the country?

    ME: In the north of Scotland.

    IGOP: Is that near Glasgow?

    ME: *lol* No, it's nowhere near Glasgow. It's about 4 and a half hours' drive north of Glasgow.

    IGOP: Oh.

    ME: *wtf* OK, so can my husband take delivery.

    IGOP: Yes, as long as he can show some of your ID.

    ME: No problem. When can you deliver? He comes home from work for his lunch for an hour, can you guarantee it'll be within a certain time?

    IGOP: No, and we'd charge extra for that.

    ME: So let me get this straight. You charge for a time delivery slot, yet you can't guarantee it'll get there in that time?

    IGOP: Pretty much.

    ME: OK.....

    IGOP: We can deliver on a saturday if that's any use.

    ME: Why didn't you just say that in the first place?! That'll be fine. Tomorrow?

    IGOP: Oh no, you'd have had to have phoned before 4pm to get it re-delivered tomorrow.

    ME: No doubt. Well, next week then? I'm going on holiday the sunday after that, so can you guarantee I'll get it then?

    IGOP: Yes, sometime between 8am and 6pm.

    ME: Great *rolleyes*

    OK, so it's probably not the guy on the phone's fault, but he was a bit of a plank, especially when he asked if I was near Glasgow LOL, and he didn't go out of his way to help either. Arse.


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