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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Well, you've fucked it up straight away because 'on current form' we'd win it.
  2. Both of you are correct. There is certainly a level of glory hunting attached to this, however, IMO, most OF fans support is down to bigotry. If they're not bigoted themselves (most of them are on some level) then it's down to 'I support (insert appropriate arse cheek) because my father did and so did his' blah blah. They're ancestors support was originally down to bigotry. If everyone in Glasgow supported their local team, Arse cheeks, Partick & QP would surely all have a similar number of fans? There's peer pressure as well of course; if everyone in your class supports either one when you're 8 years old then chances are that you will too. Again though, the fact that everyone in the class supports them is originally down to the bigotry thing. I could well have ended up supporting them too if it wasn't for my father, who had no interest in football, from stopping me.
  3. To be fair to MC, he didn't have his beard on his forehead!
  4. Really? Feck me! I would have expected much more in terms of assists at least, considering he can walk on water.
  5. Me too. Some good footage there of me going mental!
  6. Cheers, so he's here next season then. I did wonder if he's been given a 3 year deal to get him to sign and that may have been the reason for not making it public.
  7. He always struck me as being a 'second' striker, i.e., not the main one, if that makes sense. I disagree with you on the work rate thing though. I remember clearly lamenting the fact that he was constantly chasing back all the time and wouldn't stay forward where he should have been. In fact I remember saying 'ffs, he's playing right back now' at one point!
  8. I didn't say they were. Houston made some very bad signings, no doubt about it. Made some good ones too though. You're the one saying that some people only want to talk about Loy. If you're referring to me then you're correct because I wanted to know how you would have felt if we hadn't signed him when we did. I didn't mention any other players, I was simply interested in how you felt at the time. You almost answered that one! You claimed that he was on more money than anyone else in the league, apart from DU players, (f**k knows how you knew that right enough) and that we only got one goal from him therefore he was a dreadful signing. He was, but nobody expected that to be the case. You want to lump him in with the rest of the dross though to highlight your amazing powers of foresight. Maybe you could let M&M know who they should sign next so that they can avoid signing shit. I'm sure they would be very grateful for your advice. That, of course, is whether you feel they should be kept on or not.
  9. Aye, I knew that one. It's Sammon that I wonder about though as the length of his deal wasn't made public when he signed. (At least not that I know of)
  10. I know that is what it is on both Football Manager and transfer market site. Cheers. Don't know how accurate they would be right enough.
  11. Because I specifically asked you about Loy. I didn't mention any other signings.
  12. Ok, I think that's as good as I'm going to get.
  13. Sigh. So, would you have been happy or angry if Loy had signed for Saints instead of us?
  14. Yogi made so many signings that he was bound to get some of them right.
  15. You're not answering the question though, are you?
  16. Aye, but the point is, nobody could have foreseen the injuries and illness that would befall him. You're slating Houston for signing him because he turned out to be bad when Houston, like just about everyone else, thought that he'd be great. If he'd signed for St Mirren and did well, you'd be doing your nut because he hadn't been signed when we had the chance to do so. So, although he turned out to be crap, he was in fact a good signing at the time!
  17. What would you be saying if Housty hadn't signed Loy when the chance to do so was there and he'd gone to St Mirren and proceeded to tear up the league?
  18. Aye, just phoned a wee while ago mate. Seems to be his usual self!
  19. What would you be saying if Housty hadn't signed Loy when the chance to do so was there and he'd gone to St Mirren and proceeded to tear up the league? Apart from the bad start that season, I think the main reason that the BOD acted was because he'd stated that he was going to retire at the end of the term. We would have needed to replace him at that point anyway so it made sense to make the move when we did.
  20. You've just reminded me to phone to see how big Gordon is. Canny go to see him because of the virus.
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