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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I agree. 1 father (60's), 2 adults (30's), 3 kids (9,10&11) Falkirk cost - £47 EF cost - £51
  2. Barr must have taken a pay cut to go to Forfar then.
  3. Oh, that's all well and good and I'm sure the management would have been delighted to do so, as would we all, but where are we going to get players who will replace what's already there? As I said there's not a queue of them out there waiting for the call. The alternative to signing Da Vita, Todd etc would have been to keep McLean, Tidser etc, and I've no doubt that you would have been very vocal about M&M's failure to recruit during the window if that had been the case. I'm not having a go mate but things aren't just as simple as you seem to think.
  4. FFS, the post was meant to be faches faceetio facetiu sarcastic! It's a squad game, Da Vita was signed to be part of a squad. Would you rather they kept Leitch, McLean and Tidser? Or get rid of them and not sign anyone who's not an automatic starter to replace them? Why sign Todd? Why not try to get Connolly off the books too? For all we know Da Vita may be carrying a wee knock but I'm sure he'll be used when M&M feel it's right. One thing's for sure though, there is not a queue of players who are good enough to walk into the team waiting to sign for Falkirk!
  5. Mutch Doyle, Durnan, Buchanan, Dixon Miller Todd, Gomis, Connolly Longridge, McManus Subs: everybody else.
  6. Personally I think we should only ever sign good players. M&M should know this and should have known that the players that they were signing weren't as good as some of the worst ones that other teams have. That means that we've been left with players that aren't good enough to be as good as some of the worst already in this league and will probably not be good enough to get us promoted. Da Vita for example isn't as good as Telfer or Longbridge or McLean who we let go to Queens Park ffs. Get signing some good players ffs!
  7. Maybe because they feel that Todd fits their system better and due to Connolly's improved form? I can't work out why they bring Telfer on in front of him though unless maybe he's got a wee niggle or something?
  8. 5 ex Bairns on show, none of whom were rated by us. It's quite amazing the number of players who seem to do better elsewhere. Maybe we're just too picky!
  9. Wouldn't imagine that there are any 1st choice strikers out there that are both unattached and affordable.
  10. I do remember the Leeds fans getting on to the park and walking toward the Falkirk fans (I think they expected us to run away), only for one wee polisman to make his way through the crowd, grab who he assumed was the ringleader, then walk back to where they came from. The rest just turned around and followed like wee sheep.
  11. My guess is 3 years because the length of contract wasn't mentioned when his signing was announced. Most of the rest were 2 years and I don't think he would have signed for anything less than 3. He'll be one of the higher earners but we wouldn't have been able to offer him anything near his hearts wages so I think length of contract may have been the clincher. He was still fairly high profile at the time remember.
  12. Gomis, Miller & Longridge are all out of contract unfortunately and, of course, McManus is only on loan, so there's no guarantee that any of them will be with us next season.
  13. Completely agree as we had them on the rack at the time. Telfer & McMillan gave us nothing while Longridge didn't play in a role that offered any menace.
  14. I read that as well somewhere, can't think where though. On here probably? If that is indeed the case then my guess would be that, having allowed Leitch to go on loan, they probably thought that they were getting someone in and it hasn't materialised.
  15. You don't say? I, for one, am completely shocked by this revelation!
  16. Aye, stonewaller. And to add insult to injury I think Doyle laddered Boyce's tights as well.
  17. It was a kind of free shot tonight in a way. If we'd got through, then great, if not we could concentrate on the league and get the 'unbeaten' monkey off M&M's back. We were very unlucky to go out I thought though, very unlucky with the efforts that hit the woodwork and we gave Hearts problems throughout. I said when the penalty was awarded 'f**k, I thought he'd given a penalty there for a second' as I assumed it was a goal kick. Don't remember any Hearts players or fans claiming it either. I thought the substitutions were wrong again too. I would certainly have brought Longridge on but he should have been further forward. He came on with about 20 minutes left but I don't remember him ever getting into a position where he could cause any damage. McMillan and Telfer were pointless and it just cost any momentum that we'd built. I can understand bringing on fresh legs if folk are struggling but that didn't seem to be the case with the 3 that went off.
  18. Ha ha. You've unwittingly came out with two things that may well happen this evening! Given the history of the stadium when it comes to storms, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the police called this off due to health and safety. If not, we'll certainly be battening down the hatches, one way or another!
  19. Just under 2000 seats available between the two stands now so we're going to get nowhere near a sell out.
  20. Aye, but because it's open seating, many STH didn't buy against their season, they just bought a ticket. When showing on the website how many seats were available, the club were showing the season ticket as unavailable as well as the seat that the STH had purchased because they didn't know that it was a STH that had bought the seat. It's likely that you'll see a few seats being available in the SS after the STH deadline tonight.
  21. Well, when broken down, I've got to say that I think you're actually agreeing with each other.
  22. I confess that I haven't read every word of your debate but what you say here is the gist that I got. So, as far as I can make out, he's suggesting that the guy came back from China on less money to play at a better level, therefore, money was not his most important consideration. Apologies if I've misinterpreted.
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