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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. OK, so if we're trading within budget at the moment (which would be largely similar for the rest of the season) and the rumours of Bell & Tidser departing are true, then there would surely be a good bit of leeway to bring in bodies during the window? I would assume that these two are our biggest earners, although we would presumably still have to pay a large chunk of Tidser's wages. I'm also thinking that Toshney's time may be up unfortunately. Just our luck that our best CD is also injury prone because, under the circumstances, I don't think we can afford to keep him. I'd like to keep Miller but I've been told he's going to Partick. Moore,as we know, is away but I think we'll keep Leitch as he'll be relatively cheap.
  2. You'd like to think that M&M are aware of him, the fact that he played for us and was a fan's favourite and that he's currently available? Maybe someone should tell them?
  3. Not that it really matters but Petkov was with Clyde, not Airdrie.
  4. At least we've now got a forward that's excellent in the air. Can see big Connolly scoring a few!
  5. Our defenders are crap, but would appear to be more than good enough to stop teams from scoring in this league. Whilst I hate watching them, I'd be more than content to keep them on and spending any available cash on someone who could actually provide our strikers with some chances.
  6. Cheers mate. Was beginning to think it was a beer infused dream!
  7. I'm thinking that Tidser may have been carrying an injury because, why the f**k else would we have played Durnan and pushed Miller to midfield? I think that not putting him on following the various injuries may back that up.
  8. Aye, definitely envious of your 4th stand bud, especially as, 8 games out of 9, you've got tumbleweed blowing through the other 3!
  9. How can it be an epic fail considering that he said Killie would be winning nothing for the next 30 years? You do know that 2011/12 was in the past, yes?
  10. Misread what you meant. You did say though that 'Falkirk' would go in to the game expecting a comfortable win, not the fans. M&M will ensure that this is not the case.
  11. Same to you mate. Let's hope it's a good one, without any tears.
  12. I think we'll do ok if Toshney is fit because that'll allow them to continue with the formation that they've been using, albiet that it will mean that Longridge would need to play in midfield (I prefer him further forward) and we'd have one of McMillan or Sammon up front.
  13. Moore wasn't in the group that did the annual hospital visit, while the whole of the rest of the squad were (there was a guy in there that I didn't recognise), so I assume he's away already. If Toshney doesn't make it we're really down to the bare bones and I'm scratching my head wondering what the formation may be?
  14. Difficult to see how you arrived at that conclusion, given that our keeper had f**k all to do?
  15. I thought Gallagher looked quite good going forward, hit the post with a good drive at Dunfermline. Looked out of his depth defensively though, which could maybe be expected from a 17 year old?
  16. Can't see that being the case. Not often that 50% of the transfer fee is written in for a first team debut I wouldn't have thought? Hope I'm wrong though.
  17. IMO, McGrandles was the best player to come from the Academy. His initial fee was somewhere around £400k or so, rising to around a million if all the various benchmarks were reached. That went to shit when he got injured and subsequently freed by Norwich, although we did get a bit more when he made his first team debut etc. I think that, if not for the injury, he would have done very well in the game.
  18. I've no idea what kind of character he is as I've never spoken to him, or even heard him speak for that matter. What niggles me a bit though is that he is a Falkirk fan with loads of money, just the type that we would like to get involved TBH. I don't think he'd let the club die but, clearly, with him (and Ritchie I assume) pulling the strings behind the scenes someone, sometime, needs to start a dialogue as things aren't working currently. I believe that some have tried to do this in the past, without success so I honestly don't know how, or who, could progress things. The whole thing reminds me of climate change. We can all see the approaching disaster but can't seem to do anything about it!
  19. I wasn't at the meeting either as I'm not a shareholder, therefore I don't feel qualified to comment on the remarks made by Deans on the fans. I agree however that the comments made were possibly ill-advised (depending on context) and an opportunity missed to get supporters more onside. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I'm sure that his 'drawing a line' comment would have been made with the best intentions and maybe his attempt to move things on in a positive way. I also agree that protests at Montrose would, at this point, be completely counter productive to what we're all trying to achieve, i.e. ownership change. We need a steadying hand in the boardroom at the moment so I think we've got to give this guy a chance. We apparently have two parties who are still interested in buying the club, so I think we've got to explore methods of encouraging the MSG to open negotiations with them. I don't think SA will let the club die (if for no other reason that he'd lose his £70k rent) but we can't go on racking up debt that we can't afford. As far as I know, the man has never sat on the board and, personally, I don't remember any comment ever being made by him on the running of the club. Maybe he could start to heal the rift by doing exactly that?
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