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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Can't see us ever returning to grass unless we somehow manage to get very rich. We were told last night that the major beef McGlynn and Smith have with plastic is that it takes players, especially older ones, longer to return from injury if they're having to train on plastic every day. Sheerin and Miller apparently made the very same comment. Artificial pitches per se don't cause injuries but can make the recovery time longer so the aim is to source a grass facility elsewhere that can be used for training. That will mean that players will only be playing on plastic once a fortnight. (Well it'll be nearer once a week due to the number of teams in L1 with artificial but you get what I mean). Add to that, the fact that the pitch won't be required for training, will free up more time for use by the public, which means more revenue so I don't see a return to grass any time soon. On the David Lapsley thing, TBF to him he did say at one point that the money from BFL would be used to install grass 'with the permission of the members' however he did also say something along the lines of 'this is what will happen as long as I'm in charge'. Can't remember the exact specifics. Guy at the back soon put his gas at a peep anyway saying that only the BOD should be allowed to make such decisions.
  2. Cheers bud There's also the industrial estate. College to the right of the away stand (as you approach it), over the roundabout then right at the lights. IE is on the left of the stand and over the bridge. I'm assuming there'll be parking at the stadium too but, no doubt, it'll be extortionate!
  3. He certainly played against Sevco and didn't exactly cover himself in glory, but I think describing his performance as a 'nightmare' may be a tad harsh considering what he had flailing about in front of him?
  4. Was hoping to see Fordyce coming to us. I think he's a really good defender at this level.
  5. Cheers, saved me looking up the info. When he did play he was usually either our best man or in the top two or three.
  6. Couldn't disagree more TBH. It's difficult to show how good you are when you're sitting on the bench. Despite his lack of height and stature he was still a better defensive option than either ATS or Dixon and far, far better than either going forward. When he played he was our biggest threat down the left IMO. No idea if McGlynn rates him or not but, if I was him, I wouldn't be looking for a LB.
  7. Donaldson seems to be one of those players who's either completely brilliant or utterly shite, depending on which teams fans you listen to. Let's give him a chance though and don't slaughter him at the first sign of a mistake.
  8. Agree, and I think Dick should put in a cheeky wee bid for him!
  9. I think Williamson's a far better wing back in an attacking sense. Faster, good on the ball and has a better cross in him. This of course comes with the caveats that he's never tackled, injured, has to defend, head the ball, etc, etc, etc.
  10. Much rather we tried for Ballantyne from Montrose.
  11. Then there's also the possibility that they asked Crunchie what his preferred opposition would be.
  12. I was thinking that McGlynn should have told Griffiths: get yourself a PT and we'll give you a contract if you come back to us fully fit. That wouldn't work for two reasons though. 1) There's not a chance in hell that Griffiths would apply himself to do the necessary work and 2) If he did manage it he'd get a gig much further up the chain than us.
  13. Should have played the game between the two teams that played in the final, with the obvious exceptions of course.
  14. my brother in law reckons that Nesbit looks like 'a 17 year old unmarried mother fae the Plean'
  15. I think he swallowed his tongue too! From memory it was a deliberate elbow to the back of the head by Collins I think.
  16. You're auld. Baillie, Graham and Watson have all passed. Not sure about Tam Young, but still around as far as I know. My first game (as far as I can make out) was v Airdrie at Brockville, Craigie Watson scoring twice!
  17. Correct, was thinking the same myself. I was going to include Syd Puddefoot in my team but decided to put him on the bench instead!
  18. Donaldson; Kennedy & McLaughlin; Markie, Miller & Gibson; McAllister, Latapy, El Alagui, Stainrod & Shirra.
  19. Edited to add: Unadopted experiments[edit] During the 1973–74 and 1974–75 seasons, an experimental version of the offside rule was operated in the Scottish League Cup and Drybrough Cup competitions.[100] The concept was that offside should only apply in the last 18 yards (16 m) of play (inside or beside the penalty area).[100] To signify this, the horizontal line of the penalty area was extended to the touchlines.[100] FIFA President Sir Stanley Rous attended the 1973 Scottish League Cup Final, which was played using these rules.[100] The manager of one of the teams involved, Celtic manager Jock Stein, complained that it was unfair to expect teams to play under one set of rules in one game and then a different set a few days before or later.[100] The experiment was quietly dropped after the 1974–75 season, as no proposal for a further experiment or rule change was submitted for the Scottish Football Association board to consider.
  20. I think it was the Drybrough Cup in the 1970s.
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