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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Aye, and it means that, if we do go hybrid, the part-timers are generally going to have to be our best players.
  2. Absolutely not, I wasn't there. But thanks for paying attention.
  3. I hope the FSS canvass us on our opinion on whether he should be retained, just as they did on the signing of Goodwillie.
  4. He's a very good player who isn't appreciated by the Head Coach. He's better offensively than defensively but he's still the best defensive left back at the club. We are utterly pish as a team; take Griffiths for example, he's fucked but if he's going to play he needs service. McCann could certainly help with that but the manager refuses to play him. Bewildering to me.
  5. So the director that I spoke to at the meeting on Saturday was lying when he told me of Griffith's injury then?
  6. Aye that was a puzzle. Maybe he's one of those players that are pish in training but can do it on a Saturday. The very opposite of what most of the rest of them are it seems.
  7. All of the players that Rennie signed have been better than those replaced, with the exception of ATS. He's been unlucky with injuries to Griffiths, Jacobs, Kabia and now Watson but he still hasn't manage to put a team on the park that even look remotely like succeeding.
  8. I said 'for some reason Rennie doesn't rate him'. Could be anything for all we know, not necessarily his ability.
  9. Dunno really. I don't think he's an abrasive type, unlike Holt, he's a good communicator and I think he would give his all to the role. He's obviously got experience of dealing with football matters and will have contacts beyond Scotland. It's a non-starter anyway so it doesn't really matter what I think.
  10. McCann's probably our best player IMO but, for some reason, Rennie doesn't rate him. He's much better going forward than defensively but still a better defender than ATS, even in the air!
  11. I made the point to the director at the meeting on Saturday that MR would make a good Director of Football. Due to finances I doubt that there will be any plans to resurrect the role but I do think he would be good at it.
  12. I think there may be 13 players that will disagree though.
  13. Absolutely. I meant to say that in my post but I forgot.
  14. I'm not in any way protecting Griffiths. I didn't agree with the signing in the first place because it obviously wasn't going to be cheap and he's clearly not the player that was at Celtic. We did need another striker because we were very short up front but, I agree, the money could have been better spent. That said though we have tried to get players in with little success.
  15. I think they're doing their best, but I guess we could say the same about the old board too. I do think the guy was listening, whether any of what we said will have any effect is another matter of course? It wasn't him leading the meeting as such, everyone had their say.
  16. f**k me, take a chill pill. I'm clearly having a go at the fact that we're not creating chances. Even given the fact that he's injured, it's obvious that Griffith's still has talent but he's not going to be able to run the channels or win high balls etc. If a ball was coming to a striker in front of goal I'd absolutely want it to be him, one foot or not.
  17. I attended the meeting last night at BTG. It was an informal type of affair and followed the method that they've used before with having separate tables with a director sitting at each. I had to leave at 6.45 so didn't hear everything but what I did take from the chat was this: I made the point that the BOD were in a strong position re Rennie as his contract's almost up so they have the perfect opportunity to get rid without having to sack him so I asked ''will Martin be our manager next season''? The reply was that no decision had been made yet but I got the distinct impression that he's going to be kept on. A comment was made by the director later on that 'he's not here for the money because we're not paying him much' (or words to that effect) which is probably where I got that impression from. I'm thinking that maybe he'll be kept on some sort of rolling contract that would be cheap and would allow us to dismiss him easily if it doesn't work out as I can't see any other reason for a failed manager to be kept on. Somebody else at the table said that he'd prefer that Rennie stayed as he'd like to see what he could do with a full pre season/more of his own players etc. I would like to see that too but not at the expense of what could happen to us if there's no improvement, so I reiterated that we have the perfect chance to get somebody else in without any need to sack folk and that a new manager would at least help the ST situation next season. Hopefully he listened to that. We were told that they tried very hard to get more players in during the window but it proved very difficult (which it is TBF) and that the summer should be easier. He confirmed though that there are 13 players contracted next season and didn't seem very confident when it was suggested that it may be fairly easy to move some of them on. The pitch was being blamed for a lot of the injuries that are being picked up. Griffiths can't train much and leaves every game wearing a moon boot, Mills has hurt his back and has gone back to Hull for treatment, Jacobs is carrying an injury as is Kabia and, as we know, Watson and Dowds are out. Morrison's knee hasn't fully recovered either.
  18. He absolutely would score a shit load of goals if we gave him the ball like, sort of, in front of the goals kinda thing.
  19. You've really got the knives out mate eh? I think what BPM's saying is that Holt would be involved in identifying players but that the decision to sign them would lie with the manager, i.e. 100% Rennie/Sheerin signings. Which is most certainly as it should be.
  20. Do you intend going? I think the article saying that he will be in contention tomorrow points to Dowds and Morrison not being ready. Griffiths has been carrying an injury for weeks and apparently can't do a lot of training and Kabia seems to be another 'made of glass' type. Whilst I can see why you're saying that the remaining games are meaningless I certainly hope that Rennie and the players don't have the same mindset. We've got to fight while there's still a chance!
  21. Never even noticed that. In fact, when I first read the headline I thought it was somebody joining the board! I would guess that we need him now but Rennie thinks that he's good enough to merit the longer deal. I can see too why folk think that means Rennie being here next season but I wouldn't necessarily say that was the case.
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