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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I've just checked TransferMarket and, according to them, Nesbitt is out of contract this May, not next. If that is accurate I'm pretty sure he won't be offered a new contract (unless any new manager really rates him) and I would certainly want to use his wage in other areas. If it's not accurate then, assuming we couldn't afford to pay off everyone that's under contract, I would keep him as back-up. This was the point that I was trying to make in the first place.
  2. Up to whatever manager that we have to get his ability out and improve him. We've seen plenty of utter horseshit footballers in a Falkirk shirt, Nesbitt's not one of them. All I said was that, based on what we've seen, he wouldn't be bad back-up. I'm not suggesting that he should be expected to be the main man.
  3. Yes, but he did something before that. That's why I said that we know he has something.
  4. From that list I'd want McKay & Hetherington away for sure. Nesbitt we know has something so may be worth keeping as back-up. Ross hasn't really had a chance as he's had very little game time and, tbh, hasn't really been a complete bomb scare when called on. It would free up a wage though so probably best away. As a striker I'd certainly want Wilson away however, if he is any good as a wing-back then he may be worth keeping as Williamson will most certainly miss games through injury. Can't really understand why Holt gets the press that he does? It's not his fault he's his father's son and, for all we know, he may be a capable goalkeeper. Martin on the other hand just looks like a bag of nerves whenever he plays. There's a lot of rebuilding to be done so it's a shame that Dowds and Telfer will be off as they're definitely two that I'd like to see stay.
  5. Money possibly (because we must be running short by now), potential and the challenge. If Airdrie go up though, and I think you will, we'd have no chance of getting him.
  6. It's very frustrating for me that we still have fans who think we should be swatting aside teams in this league simply because we are a 'bigger' club. Yes, we pay more than the majority, yes we have a decent history (because that's what it is now) and, yes we have more potential, but we are where we are because we are shit. It's obvious now that we're not going to suddenly start turning teams over because we currently don't have the tools to do it. I think we should let Rennie go at the end of the season (unless there's a miraculous turn around) but whoever gets the job has got to be given time to re-build. That may involve no or little progress on the pitch initially but we must stop this hiring and firing conveyer at some point. Ian Murray, for example, has taken nearly four years to build what he's built. As things stand he wouldn't be given 4 weeks with some supporters on here if the results weren't immediately there. It came as absolutely no surprise to me that Peterhead beat us because they're a decent L1 side who, on their day, can match any side in this division. I wouldn't have been surprised if we'd beaten them either although I would be gobsmacked if we'd managed a win over a Cove or an Airdrie because we're miles behind those teams at the moment. We basically need to wake up and smell the coffee, before having breakfast and moving on to lunch before finally sitting down to enjoy our dinner!
  7. Now, I haven't read any comments after this so apologies if I'm just adding to a list but, what a lot of utter, utter horsefuckinshit!
  8. Ah, that explains his baffling positivity when the board arrived.
  9. Well, we don't know that they are. I'd like to think that they're already considering other options.
  10. How can 'Brad McKay wins a free kick on the left wing' be a sentence?
  11. I'd let Dixon take it until the end of the season. He's doing f**k all else anyway.
  12. I don't even watch the streams anymore. Bag of nerves watching us live on telly, even worse watching that shite!
  13. So, what we need is a young hungry manager who has loads of experience in managing in L1 (and the Championship on the off chance he takes us up), but who has an old head on his shoulders and who has a proven record of winning results. Shouldn't be the difficult.
  14. I really hope the guy puts himself out of his misery tonight. He'd be best heading back to the States.
  15. I think he phoned Jim Mcinally to tell him personally.
  16. I'd replace ATS, Hetherington and Griffiths with McCann, Jacobs and Dowds, assuming they're all available of course.
  17. This is all great craic boys, keep it up. I must admit though, even having watched some great players in a Falkirk shirt, I'm still the best player I've ever seen - even now. Well, during the night at least!!
  18. How would you feel if we keep them and they hadn't done any work to identify suitable players for next season? Additionally, there would be nothing to stop a new manager either binning their list or acting on it.
  19. I agree, you are, of course, entitled to criticise. If you don't want him in post though (presumably) then you should take the chance to go along to tell him (and the BOD) that. I would assume that there will be plenty of others who will do so, so it's a chance to strengthen that feeling.
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