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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Last throw of the dice: Mutch; Mills, Watson, Dixon; Williamson, Jacobs, Telfer, ATS, McCann; Kabia, Dowds. This, of course, assumes that everyone's available. Do you see my masterstroke though?? Yep, ATS in midfield. He's the missing link that we've been searching for all season folks so roll up, roll up to the FS tomorrow, it's a new dawn I tell ye!!
  2. Possibly because Dowds, Griffiths and Morrison are all injured?
  3. I'm all for the pub events and was at BTW for the FSS AGM. I think the best way to tackle this though would be the BOD outlining the issues that they've been faced with, in writing if possible, before then opening the floor to questions. If it was just a matter of asking questions, the audience wouldn't really know what to ask, unless it was just 'okay guys, what issues have you been faced with'? That would probably cover some of the bigger or more serious stuff but would likely miss a lot too.
  4. I'm honestly not trying to have a go here but, why are you going on Saturday if you've decided not to go back after?
  5. Falkirk are what people apply when they get stung by a jellyfish!
  6. You've taken that too far! Good idea though and I suspect that a lot of fans would want to attend something like that. I'd do it as soon as the season is over though because I'd like to know ASAP. Given that the QP game is likely to be a dead rubber, it could even be done before the game then get everyone into BTG to watch the match making a bit of money over the bar.
  7. I'd like the BOD to outline just exactly what the 'mess' they've been left with is. I'm not disbelieving them in anyway but we continually hear that they've been left with a lot to clear up and that they need to be given time to do it. I obviously understand that some details may not be able to be made public for legal reasons or to protect individuals or whatever but I do think that a list of things that they've been working on would get fans onside and would maybe make some fans a bit more patient re our current predicament. Whenever I hear the narrative I get a mental picture of them all sitting round the Boardroom table with a huge list on a board and the sweat pouring from them as they try to sort it out! We have already been told about the non payment of the fee required to sign foreign players so there's one thing we can tick off the list straight off. Something that I think would help.
  8. You would have thought so but I think it was still a risk given that he had been out for so long. Maybe just reinforces the notion that the January window is so difficult if this is the sort of signing that we had to make and couldn't add another midfielder either. I thought at Broadwood that he was looking a bit better but he's apparently picked up an injury since.
  9. Yes I know. As I said, happy to see you were agreeing with me.
  10. You're agreeing with me then? Cheers for that.
  11. Having been given the opportunity to let him go, I think the BOD will take it and nobody could criticise them for doing so IMO. Having said that, I don't think Rennie will want to stay anyway and it seems that Miller is already trying to get more into a media role. My fear is that they'll have to offer a new manager a decent length of contract so, if they get it wrong...
  12. No doubt I'll gather a few red dots for this, but this is the type of thing that really frustrates me. Certain posters will just completely ignore the fact that the guy is carrying an injury and actually, IMO, hasn't been fully fit since he arrived. Instead they'll just jump on the opportunity to rubbish Jacobs, or Rennie, or both. The bigger question IMO is, should he have been signed in the first place given the fact that he had been out for a long long time? I suspect that he was one of two or three midfielders that we hoped to get in rather than be the main man in the middle. Don't suppose we'll ever know?
  13. Aye awrite fanny baws, I unreservedly apologise. I was extremely shoogly with my choice of words. I'll ensure that it doesn't happen again.
  14. Ok, He has proved himself. He may also just have proved that he's not up for the challenge as much as he was at St Johnstone which was all I was suggesting really.
  15. The thing about Wright is that he's managed two Scottish teams, one that he did very well at and the other where he bombed. Other than that it's been teams in Ireland so he's not completely proved himself IMO. He's not getting any younger either so I'm not sure that he would even want to get involved with our basket case!
  16. Funny thing about Rennie's tenure (so far), he's brought in 7 players, if including Dowds, and I would say that 4 of them, Mills, Watson, Kabia and Dowds have generally been our 'better' performers when they've played. Even Jacobs, who hasn't looked completely fit at any point, has probably been slightly better than the likes of Miller and Hetherington. Conversely guys like Dixon and Nesbitt have turned to shit. Even Telfer's form has suffered a bit, although that's maybe to be expected given what he's got alongside him? The whole feel of his time with us just feels really weird to me.
  17. I'm not in anyway suggesting that Rennie shouldn't be criticised for splashing the cash on Griffiths whilst not being able to address the obvious midfield failings. He shouldn't have done it IMO and I said so at the time. (Although we did still need to bring in a striker having lost Keena). The point I'm (apparently very poorly) trying to make is that some fans do seem to suggest that it would be an easy thing to fix the midfield and indeed that Rennie didn't bother his arse trying to do it. Hence my rather obvious tongue in cheek remark about 'popping to the shops'. The posts I'm referring to never seem to acknowledge that it's not an easy fix. I wish to f**k it was.
  18. Some folk on here can be wildly unrealistic. From thinking we can just pop down to the shops to get a couple of good midfielders to sacking all of the players because they're not good enough. You really couldn't make some of it up!
  19. Thanks for that. Transfer market talking pish then! I would look to be keeping him then rather than trying to find the money to pay him off. Might be able to offload him on loan though I suppose.
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