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Spiders For Life

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Everything posted by Spiders For Life

  1. This is only my second time thankfully. Should be alright so long as I don't do anything stupid like my last test (Stop sign on my way back to Hamilton, I stopped, begin to pull out, car comes over hill, sharply brake, fail.) If it all goes wrong today though I'll just remind myself of the fact it took one of my cousins friends 13 attempts to pass so I'm not quite there yet
  2. I have the choice between dropping law or sociology this semester. I think due to the fact although sociology is pish, it is simple whereas I'm pretty woeful at law so its that which will have to go I think..
  3. In giving up on doing my essay yesterday I'm now left with far to much to do today and I really cannot be arsed.
  4. I have tons of work to do today and my plans for tonight have been scuppered as well
  5. By the time you'd warned me though the subjects had been chosen sadly
  6. I'd imagine the marking would be done by determining whether something was a first/second upper class etc first and then quantifying it to give you an idea of how secure the essay was within that grade. Similar to how I'd imagine an essay is judged as a 'B' first and then narowed down to whether it is a B1, 2, 412 etc..
  7. Who else actually goes to strathclyde on here? I know of 3 people including myself.. I would also like to point out that sociology has lived up to it's expectations of being the most tedious and pathetic subject available.
  8. I detest Legal Methods. I'm just awful at it. *sighs*
  9. The tall one that was in the group of 3 to the right of the room
  10. I may be completely wrong here but were you in a Politcs tutorial at 11 today?
  11. I know. I'm going to try and swap it to something else hopefully. Still, even if that goes wrong it's only till December I've got to do it till...
  12. I'm doing Politics too along with Economics, Law and because they don't deem economics to be worth enough credits, sociology I can't say I'm enthused by much of the stuff thats on during freshers week but I'll probably go along anyway
  13. It's ridiculous how long the waiting list is for driving tests. I got mine booked a couple of weeks ago and I have to wait 7 weeks till I can actually sit my test
  14. I'm getting myself pretty worked up over uni when in reality, there isn't much reason for concern. I also lost playing football tonight
  15. I only had some soup for dinner and now I'm hungry. Bit late though so I think I'll have to wait till breakfast..
  16. Thinking of swapping UFC 09 for something as I'm quite simply rubbish at it... Any offers? It's on the 360 and a copy of an unwanted Tiger Woods 10 would do nicely if anyone was willing
  17. I'm going to do Politics and Economics at Strathclyde, looking forward to it
  18. Xbox live has died. Same thing has happened to my mates so I'm assuming (hoping) that its something to do with our area...
  19. So aye, if you want to swap games with someone rather than trade them in then this is the place. I'll get the ball rolling: Anyone wanting PES 2009 on the 360 for something?
  20. Good idea. I hate trading games in, you know your getting ripped off...
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