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Thanks folks for the advice in the past few days. The lactose intolerance medication seems to be having some effect (chico - it's called Colief, and is basically a supplement of the enzyme lactase), as he has generally improved, but was terrible last night when he'd had a feed without the medication in the afternoon. Unfortunately preparing and taking it adds 20 mins on to every feed, but so far it's worth it.

Anyway, here's a nice picture of wee Callum getting ready to play in the snow with daddy earlier today.

Pleased to hear that bud. Good news.

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Good stuff! Ours is due 18 Apr.

Detailed scan tomorrow.. Can't wait!!

11 days after me! I had my detailed scan a fortnight ago but I'm back tomorrow because they couldn't get the heart measured due to the way the baby was lying.

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Busy afternoon, 22week midwife apt and then upto the hospital for a follow up scan to see if we can get heart chambers measured! Maybe find out what I'm having.

Neither were visable....back in another fortnight for another scan,

Edited by Rowan
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Cal asked Santa for a table and chair so he doesn't get a row from his mum for drawing on her coffee table with the yellow crayon... <_<

It's ok, I'll send Alfie up to dispose of the offending crayon for you!

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Going from births to what are the parents buying there littles ones for christmas?

Thomas is getting a wee car thing to drive about in. Apparently they have them at the Mums and Toddlers Group he goes to and the wife says he loves it. It has arrived, I just need to assemble it at my mum's when I get a chance.

I have no idea what Steven is getting. If it was down to me he'd get the box from Thomas' car to play with and a tenner says he'll enjoy that more than whatever it is the wife does buy him. <_<

I couldn't see the point in getting Thomas anything significant last year either. He was 10 months old, what's he going to appreciate? Mrs SD got him a Thomas the Tank Engine thing he could sit on and push along. It has sat in the corner untouched from Xmas Day last year to last week. However, I will concede that twice in the last week he's actually got it out and sat on it and pushed it along. So there we are, he now likes it, 11 months later! :lol:

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My son had stovies tonight for his tea, went down rather welll.

My boy loves his stovies, too!

How long do you put your son down for a nap for in the afternoon?

He only has one nap a day now, goes down straight after lunch (about 12:30-1pm ish) and how long he sleeps for seems to be different every day. Some days just half an hour, other days 2 hours! So, pass...

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Detailed scan when brilliantly yesterday, no problems as far as they could see! Was fantastic!

Oh, and we're having a wee boy!

Back of the net!


I've to go back for a third scan as they still can't get the heart measured! Awkward blighter!

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Charlie is saying all sorts recently, including goal, graft and what's that.

He is getting a toy train that goes round a track with him sitting on it. Reserved it and went to pick it up today only to be told that it hadn't been delivered to the store yet and to try again on Monday. They have loads of pink ones but no blue ones. He may end up with a pink one yet!

His birthday is ten days before Christmas so we are getting him a ball pool for that. They have one in the nursary and I think he likes that. We'll pick up a couple of smaller things to take down to Bristol with us so he has something to open on Christmas day but the trip down is costing us quite a lot, so that's his main present. :lol:

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