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Poor wee toot. Does swaddling help at all - apparently the gentle pressure on their tums can help? x

She hates being swaddled now. I've moved to sleeping bags as she wriggles all night long. She's going to have to go into the cot soon as the crib is becoming too narrow for her thrashing around! I think it's from acid as she gurggles and is snuffly all night long too.

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Charlie went to bed at 6pm. He's been a little sod all day and it was quite a relief to be honest. He has been absolutely shattered, rubbiing his dark-circled eyes all day, throwing temper tantrums, hitting me and throwing his toys about. I'd say it was terrible twos, but it's more likely that he's just got his mother's temper.

My 5 year old niece, on the other hand, has been telling her mother that she can't go to bed, because "I need to look in the mirror because I forgot what colour my eyes are". So there.

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Got the wee man into a pretty good routine at the moment, he's getting a bath around 8ish, then taking a feed (as much as wee can get into him). Usually out for the count by nine & that'll be him untill sometime between 4-6am wanting milk. Then he'll go back down for a few hours.

Long may it continue. :D

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My son phoned me at work today to tell me the grandaughter managed for the first time today to take a bottle. We've waited 10 weeks for this and at times didn't think it ever would. Only 15mls mind you, but it's a start :D

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We're potty training... *sigh*

Day 1 was a brilliant success, only 1 accident the whole day! Day 2 was not good - fine when naked, but when he has pants on he just piddles in them. Day 3 today has been mixed, we've had pees on the potty, and a poo on the floor. I'm undecided whether to continue or not. We have had some success, so giving up seems like a bad idea when we've got this far... will give it until the weekend I think.

Rowan, hope your friend's wee one is improving.

Edited by Reina
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We're potty training... *sigh*

Day 1 was a brilliant success, only 1 accident the whole day! Day 2 was not good - fine when naked, but when he has pants on he just piddles in them. Day 3 today has been mixed, we've had pees on the potty, and a poo on the floor. I'm undecided whether to continue or not. We have had some success, so giving up seems like a bad idea when we've got this far... will give it until the weekend I think.

Rowan, hope your friend's wee one is improving.

We were having no success whatsoever so LM thought it would be best waiting a bit longer as he didn't seem ready. I know bugger all about it all so I left it to her to decide. He likes playing with his "Thomas the Toilet" but he does not want to sit on it.

I believe we are now at 29 weeks for the new arrival, so not long to wait I guess. I was speaking to my sister the other day and she asked me if we had decided on a name yet. I've been pushing Fred for ages but LM was dead against it. We finally decided on one we both liked so I told my sister. She stopped talking and asked if I was joking. She claims to have told me that this was the name she was going to use if/when she decided to have kids. Now I'm a bit annoyed at this for a couple of points. One, she certainly never told me that she was going to pick this name if she had a boy. Two, she doesn't even know if she will actually have children. Three, let's say she has children, they could all be girls, therefore she would never use the name!

Hardly surprising that once LM heard this the name we had agreed on sounded even better to her ears now she knew she would piss off my sister and her boyfriend. I really like the name as well and I'm a bit upset at being told I'm not allowed to use this name as it will annoy her. In my sister's defence though, the name we like is the name of her boyfriend's Grandfather.

What's the script? What would you do?

Oh, and my sister has the same name as my cousin, so it's not as if she can say it's not the done thing for cousins to have the same name.

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We were having no success whatsoever so LM thought it would be best waiting a bit longer as he didn't seem ready. I know bugger all about it all so I left it to her to decide. He likes playing with his "Thomas the Toilet" but he does not want to sit on it.

I believe we are now at 29 weeks for the new arrival, so not long to wait I guess. I was speaking to my sister the other day and she asked me if we had decided on a name yet. I've been pushing Fred for ages but LM was dead against it. We finally decided on one we both liked so I told my sister. She stopped talking and asked if I was joking. She claims to have told me that this was the name she was going to use if/when she decided to have kids. Now I'm a bit annoyed at this for a couple of points. One, she certainly never told me that she was going to pick this name if she had a boy. Two, she doesn't even know if she will actually have children. Three, let's say she has children, they could all be girls, therefore she would never use the name!

Hardly surprising that once LM heard this the name we had agreed on sounded even better to her ears now she knew she would piss off my sister and her boyfriend. I really like the name as well and I'm a bit upset at being told I'm not allowed to use this name as it will annoy her. In my sister's defence though, the name we like is the name of her boyfriend's Grandfather.

What's the script? What would you do?

Oh, and my sister has the same name as my cousin, so it's not as if she can say it's not the done thing for cousins to have the same name.

We came up with two provisional names as soon as we found out we were having another girl, we told some people and opinions were huge, conflicting and irritating, those names were 'Lucy' and 'heather' so not exactly extreme either. the result was that we discarded both names, have another two possibilities but are telling no one until the babies born. People are a lot more conservative with opinions when they don't feel like they are 'helping out' (or that they can claim to have played a big part in the naming of your child).

I did try to get the wife to help me convince people that we'd picked 'Purpleina' but she wasn't for it

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Yeah, I'm thinking the same really. I could understand if she was pregnant and knew she was having a boy, but as far as I'm concerned a name is fair game if you aren't actually pregnant, you can't just "baggsy" it for when you might use it.

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My sister was rushed into hospital last week 6 weeks early and had an emergency c-section, little Erin was born weighing 5lbs 2 oz and has been in the SBCU since but is growing day by day and taking all her bottle everytime so hopefully its only a matter of time till she is let out and home with my sister.

From a very proud uncle.

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My sister was rushed into hospital last week 6 weeks early and had an emergency c-section, little Erin was born weighing 5lbs 2 oz and has been in the SBCU since but is growing day by day and taking all her bottle everytime so hopefully its only a matter of time till she is let out and home with my sister.

From a very proud uncle.


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We were having no success whatsoever so LM thought it would be best waiting a bit longer as he didn't seem ready. I know bugger all about it all so I left it to her to decide. He likes playing with his "Thomas the Toilet" but he does not want to sit on it.

I believe we are now at 29 weeks for the new arrival, so not long to wait I guess. I was speaking to my sister the other day and she asked me if we had decided on a name yet. I've been pushing Fred for ages but LM was dead against it. We finally decided on one we both liked so I told my sister. She stopped talking and asked if I was joking. She claims to have told me that this was the name she was going to use if/when she decided to have kids. Now I'm a bit annoyed at this for a couple of points. One, she certainly never told me that she was going to pick this name if she had a boy. Two, she doesn't even know if she will actually have children. Three, let's say she has children, they could all be girls, therefore she would never use the name!

Hardly surprising that once LM heard this the name we had agreed on sounded even better to her ears now she knew she would piss off my sister and her boyfriend. I really like the name as well and I'm a bit upset at being told I'm not allowed to use this name as it will annoy her. In my sister's defence though, the name we like is the name of her boyfriend's Grandfather.

What's the script? What would you do?

Oh, and my sister has the same name as my cousin, so it's not as if she can say it's not the done thing for cousins to have the same name.

When my mother was expecting me, my dads sister was pregnant at the same time with my older cousin. Needless to say her an my mother were discussing names and my mum told her the choices for boy and girl. My aunt said she really liked the boys name and wish she thought of that. Fast forward 6 months and my cousin was born about 2 minths before me ans without warning she named him the exact same name my mother had told her she was going to call me, forcing my parents into a re-think. My mum was raging with her.

And now 23 years later we have barely met, maybe a dozen times at most, so it wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference to have cousins with the same name.

PS. This is from what I've been told not from memory :P

It wasn't even that great name to start fighting over anyway.

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