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Had both children (2 years and 11 months and eight weeks) out and about on my own today. Couldn't believe how helpful Charlie was. Normally if it's just me and him he throws himself about if I try to hold his hand whilst crossing the road or try to take him out of a shop he likes. He couldn't have been a nicer child today, it was brilliant. Harry was great as well, sleeping most of the time, which was welcome as he normally doesn't bother sleeping for a great length of time in the house.

Felt really happy that I was able to handle them both on my own whilst out and about.

Seriously hard work though.

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Had both children (2 years and 11 months and eight weeks) out and about on my own today. Couldn't believe how helpful Charlie was. Normally if it's just me and him he throws himself about if I try to hold his hand whilst crossing the road or try to take him out of a shop he likes. He couldn't have been a nicer child today, it was brilliant. Harry was great as well, sleeping most of the time, which was welcome as he normally doesn't bother sleeping for a great length of time in the house.

Felt really happy that I was able to handle them both on my own whilst out and about.

Seriously hard work though.

What a great story. Good stuff. I've one on the way in March and we already have a 10 year old. So this time I hope it will be a doddle as I think our son will be a good help too.

I'm getting excited now as you can probably tell. In fact the whole family including the grand parents are looking forward to it. Its been a few years since any new grand kids came along. There are 8 boys and no girls on both sides of the family. So I think everyone is hoping its a girl. Me, I don't care as long as its fit and healthy.

Edited by ditots
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What a great story. Good stuff. I've one on the way in March and we already have a 10 year old. So this time I hope it will be a doddle as I think our son will be a good help too.

I'm getting excited now as you can probably tell. In fact the whole family including the grand parents are looking forward to it. Its been a few years since any new grand kids came along. There are 8 boys and no girls on both sides of the family. So I think everyone is hoping its a girl. Me, I don't care as long as its fit and healthy.


At first our eldest was very wary of Harry, he didn't really know what to make of him. Now he wants Harry to come and give him a cuddle in bed before he goes to sleep, he loves helping change the nappies (sadly not the dirty ones) and is full of kisses.

It's amazing how quickly everything comes back to you. Best of luck!

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Thanks for all the well wishes guys. Been a hectic and long couple of days (and even longer nights). Ruaridh is doing really well. Feeding well, crapping well and has a ridiculously strong neck for someone his age. Hannah has been brilliant with him too. Absolutely brilliant.

Here's a couple of pics just for the hell of it..

post-6361-0-56096800-1321737894_thumb.jp 30mins old

post-6361-0-87129000-1321737934_thumb.jp A couple of hours older.

Congrats to the other new dads out in P&B and get a move on Baby Swarley.

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You need to set a fire underneath your missus and smoke the bugger out.

We went to see the missus consultant the other day she has recovered fully from her complications and we have not had anymore scares which is all good. However were we to have another there is a 25-30% chance of it happening again so there is going to be a lot of serious talking if we go for another.

Meanwhile miss pubcarking is 10 1/2 weeks old and approximately 11lbs also the amount I get headbutted has gone up dramatically due to a strong heavy head on a flimsy body

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My missus is 4 and a half months gone and went for her flu jab on Wednesday. She has now showing, what can only be described as, flu symptoms.

Any old remedies out there to ease her suffering given she can't do conventional remedies?

Actually about to head into Stobhill to get her looked at.

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My missus is 4 and a half months gone and went for her flu jab on Wednesday. She has now showing, what can only be described as, flu symptoms.

Any old remedies out there to ease her suffering given she can't do conventional remedies?

Actually about to head into Stobhill to get her looked at.

As I understand it you can't get flu from the flu jab. You can feel under the weather a bit but can't get flu itself as there's no active virus in it. Which isn't to say she hasn't coincidentally caught flu about the same time of course!

Hope she feels better soon. :)

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I think it's very common to get flu-like symptoms after the flu jab. She's safe to take paracetamol, so I'd go with that and plenty of fluids. She could make her own honey and lemon hot drink - like lemsip I suppose, but you can't take them in pregnancy due to the decongestants in them, I believe. If her nose is blocked, saline drops are perfect :)

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