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13 month old did the hot baby trick last night. Both crapped it, but fortunately he cooled after we stripped him down to bodysuit. Seemed to sweat it out. He's picked up a cold, but I wonder if milder temperatures haven't helped.

Almost three year old took two and a half hours to get to dleep keep after bathtime.

Normally sensible 8 yr old daughter went santadaft claiming she was up at 0630 on Christmas day, probabl never slept much Christmas eve at her mums, but was knackered this morning after a full nights sleep.

Aye Christmas..

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A wee question.

Does every woman do the same with her partner? They might say something which on the face of it appears to be a question about the child. Something innocuous like do you think she needs a yogurt as well as the weetabix/toast/egg she just had. Do you think that she needs new shoes? What should we dress her in today?

No matter what you say it doesn't make a difference. She was actually just talking aloud or wanting to hear her opinion in a slightly deeper voice.

Not sure if it's just us or if it happens to everyone. I think that she's just wanting to make me feel like I have any sort of input but in reality she'll just do whatever it was in her mind to start with.

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A wee question.

Does every woman do the same with her partner? They might say something which on the face of it appears to be a question about the child. Something innocuous like do you think she needs a yogurt as well as the weetabix/toast/egg she just had. Do you think that she needs new shoes? What should we dress her in today?

No matter what you say it doesn't make a difference. She was actually just talking aloud or wanting to hear her opinion in a slightly deeper voice.

Not sure if it's just us or if it happens to everyone. I think that she's just wanting to make me feel like I have any sort of input but in reality she'll just do whatever it was in her mind to start with.

At the risk of Reina, Rowan, Mrs M et al chasing me out of town with their red hot GHDs, isn't that just women in general? The questions used to be about themselves eg does this dress look any better than the other 20 I've already tried on? Do you think it'll rain today, should we take an umbrella? but now the questions are about the little ones as you've accurately outlined.

Just nod and grunt "Yes dear", works for me! :P

Edited by Swarley
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A wee question.

Does every woman do the same with her partner? They might say something which on the face of it appears to be a question about the child. Something innocuous like do you think she needs a yogurt as well as the weetabix/toast/egg she just had. Do you think that she needs new shoes? What should we dress her in today?

No matter what you say it doesn't make a difference. She was actually just talking aloud or wanting to hear her opinion in a slightly deeper voice.

Not sure if it's just us or if it happens to everyone. I think that she's just wanting to make me feel like I have any sort of input but in reality she'll just do whatever it was in her mind to start with.


Irritates the bejesus out of me. It seriously really does. What on earth is the point in asking my opinion on about 9 billion things about the kids when in fact you ignore the answer and do what you wanted to do anyway? We're at the stage now where I just don't answer such questions. Or at least I do answer but with "Just do what you want, you know you're going to anyway so why don't we save the argument".

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At the risk of Reina, Rowan, Mrs M et al chasing me out of town with their red hot GHDs, isn't that just women in general? The questions used to be about themselves eg does this dress look any better than the other 20 I've already tried on? Do you think it'll rain today, should we take an umbrella? but now the questions are about the little ones as you've accurately outlined.

Just nod and grunt "Yes dear", works for me! :P

Effing mon then! :angry:

Seriously though, no, not all women do that. I'm more likely to say "I think we should", "It would be best to" or "We'll need to" if I think there's a certain way something should be done. If it's not done that way, I may then resort to "Do this" or "Don't do that" before "For f**k sake, would you just listen when I'm telling you something?". If I ask "what do you think" it's because I genuinely want an answer!

I don't think P&B has too many of the kind of women that are afraid of saying what they actually think! :lol:

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We're still having trouble with Zaks sleeping, we've brought it upon ourselves. We always let him fall asleep downstairs with us and we'll put him in his cot once he's fast asleep, therefore his has no clue whatsoever as to how to fall asleep on his own accord. So now when he's waking during the night, he's crying untill he's picked up and rocked to sleep or having a bottle. We're talking three > five times a night.

So we've decided, as from tonight we're going to give the Ferber Method a real shot. I can't see any other way as how we're going to get him to change his ways. We're not comfortable at all with leaving him to cry for any substantial amount of time, its unfair on him and its not his fault but ours. The Ferber Method, as you'll probably know is putting him down in his cot, awake, leaving him for a little bit longer each time before going in a patting his back or rubbing his belly, without ever actually picking him up or feeding him. It's going to be gradual process and will take a great deal of patience I imagine but we need to try something.

Wish us luck. :D

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All the best, i remember doing this one night and was the best thing we ever done, now never have problems with our son sleeping. Arguments galore await tonight, Remember its your fault ;)

We're preparing ourselves as best we can.

I know they're all different, was it a fairly quick process with your kiddy?

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Just back from hospital (agan!) planned visit this time! My monster only reacted to one of the allergy skin test, eggs! Not even the ones we've had clear reactions to like strawberres! Dr sad we have to go by the reactons that have taken her to hospital and presume she s allergic. Despite being on special formula she didn't even react to milk! We've been issued an epipen and the community nurse is coming out on Friday to train us. We're being refered onto the allergy clinic and the dietician. She was a little concerned with her weight but not overly. Was with registrar for around 30mins she was really good.

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