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Had a similar experience with my second. He was actually put on my stomach, but they whipped him straight away again because he wasn't breathing. He's not stopped being trouble ever since!

I had to give my eldest a telling off yesterday. I know he's 12 and I know he'll hear words he's not meant to be using, but frankly "Hey, leave my dick alone" isn't what you expect him to shout, even if his little brother is taking pot-shots at his undercarriage.

:lol: :lol:

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Random, but my Girlfriend is due on the same day as you- scan a week on friday aswell.

Its our 1st and were planning on finding out what it is! :unsure:

7th April? It's also my friends birthday. I went 3 weeks early with my first though.

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We have ours a week on Friday. I had a scan at 18 wks last time as I'd had a bleed and during it the baby turned and gave us a full frontal and I'm sure he wiggled it at us just to make sure we couldn't miss it! This time, so long as this one isn't an exhabitionist we aren't going to find out. Up until a fortnight ago I was but I've changed my mind.

A couple of people I know are covered by hospitals in Glasgow and I think they no longer tell you the sex of the baby. We still bought a neutral pram, painted the nursery yellow etc just in case.

I think in Dumfries you have to specifically ask if you want to know, they won't offer you the option without doing so. If it goes anything like your first one we won't need to ask tho laugh.gif .

It'd be perfectly fine if we didnt find out anyway, im just happy to have one on the way! And as i said, the most important thing is seeing it everythings ok with her & mummy.

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I think in Dumfries you have to specifically ask if you want to know, they won't offer you the option without doing so. If it goes anything like your first one we won't need to ask tho laugh.gif .

It'd be perfectly fine if we didnt find out anyway, im just happy to have one on the way! And as i said, the most important thing is seeing it everythings ok with her & mummy.

I cant remember if they do or not. They certainly wont refuse to tell you - not sure why a health authority out in the sticks would, to be honest - but not sure if they ask if you want to know or not.

We found out with both of ours

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I cant remember if they do or not. They certainly wont refuse to tell you - not sure why a health authority out in the sticks would, to be honest - but not sure if they ask if you want to know or not.

I've heard several reasons why health authorities refuse to tell you the sex these days, from people suing the HA when they've painted the room pink and end up with a boy to people wanting to terminate because they're having a girl when they want a boy.

If not for the fact my partner really wanted to know what we were having, I'd not have found out. I never found out with my first and I quite liked waiting until the moment he was born. I was convinced I was having a girl so it was a bit of a surprise. I found out with my second, but I was the only one to know so it was quite nice keeping it to myself. Even when he was born, we didn't tell anyone what we'd had (apart from my sister because she was with me) until my eldest came to the hospital and saw his little brother for himself. That way, he got to tell everyone that it was a little boy and he got to be a big part of everything.

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I cant remember if they do or not. They certainly wont refuse to tell you - not sure why a health authority out in the sticks would, to be honest - but not sure if they ask if you want to know or not.

We found out with both of ours


We'll find out soon enough anyway.

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I've heard several reasons why health authorities refuse to tell you the sex these days, from people suing the HA when they've painted the room pink and end up with a boy to people wanting to terminate because they're having a girl when they want a boy.

If not for the fact my partner really wanted to know what we were having, I'd not have found out. I never found out with my first and I quite liked waiting until the moment he was born. I was convinced I was having a girl so it was a bit of a surprise. I found out with my second, but I was the only one to know so it was quite nice keeping it to myself. Even when he was born, we didn't tell anyone what we'd had (apart from my sister because she was with me) until my eldest came to the hospital and saw his little brother for himself. That way, he got to tell everyone that it was a little boy and he got to be a big part of everything.

From what Ive heard, the second is the most common. But its usually restricted to areas where there are large populations of people from cultures who still think like that. Thats why I said I was surprised that somewhere, like where Debbie is, would feel the need to have that as policy. Maybe theyve been sued in the past?

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From what Ive heard, the second is the most common. But its usually restricted to areas where there are large populations of people from cultures who still think like that. Thats why I said I was surprised that somewhere, like where Debbie is, would feel the need to have that as policy. Maybe theyve been sued in the past?

I think it's indicative of the world we live in today. It's ridiculous that some people can't just be happy to have a baby. I don't understand the need to control the sex of the child you have (barring any sex-related medical conditions I suppose). Do what people have always done - get what you're given! Maybe I'm just a bit of a sop or I'm missing something completely.

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I think in Dumfries you have to specifically ask if you want to know, they won't offer you the option without doing so. If it goes anything like your first one we won't need to ask tho laugh.gif .

It'd be perfectly fine if we didnt find out anyway, im just happy to have one on the way! And as i said, the most important thing is seeing it everythings ok with her & mummy.

Nah, they were quite upfront about offering to tell us on both occasions. We didn't want to know (or to be more exact the wife didn't want to know so that was that. I wouldn't have minded knowing) so they didn't tell us but there did seem to almost be a surprise that we didn't want to know. They said most people do want to know.

The wife's cousin's girlfriend had a baby this week in Dumfries. She was told months ago that she was having a girl. Which saved us hanging onto a lot of boy's stuff in case she wanted it.

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Took my girlfriend for her 10 week scan today and found that they baby only measured 8 weeks. I've been worried all day that there is something wrong and the baby isn't growing properly. I don't know if this is something I should be worrying about or if I'm panicking over nothing. Is this common?

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Guest The Phoenix

Took my girlfriend for her 10 week scan today and found that they baby only measured 8 weeks. I've been worried all day that there is something wrong and the baby isn't growing properly. I don't know if this is something I should be worrying about or if I'm panicking over nothing. Is this common?

Ayrgirl's your man, so to speak. I'm sure she'll appear soon.

In the meantime, I would try not to worry. If anything was wrong they would have told you.

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Took my girlfriend for her 10 week scan today and found that they baby only measured 8 weeks. I've been worried all day that there is something wrong and the baby isn't growing properly. I don't know if this is something I should be worrying about or if I'm panicking over nothing. Is this common?

It's pretty normal, you're dated from your last period before your scan but woman don't tend to be fertile until two weeks later and that would have been when you concieved hence the difference. :)

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It's pretty normal, you're dated from your last period before your scan but woman don't tend to be fertile until two weeks later and that would have been when you concieved hence the difference. :)

They take that into account though. While the baby's only 8 weeks old, you're still 10 weeks pregnant. It's true though that women are fertile at different times in their cycle, depending on the length of cycle. So, while dates might make someone 10 weeks pregnant it doesn't necessarily follow that she is. This is why scans tend to give a more accurate method of dating a pregnancy.

As Rowan says, it's fairly normal for their to be some discrepancy between the scan and the dates because all women are different. They would tell you if there was something they thought you should be concerned about and in cases like this, just being asked to come back for another scan in a couple of weeks isn't necessarily a bad thing. They'll just want to keep checking to make sure they can get your due date accurate. Ayrgirl is the professional at this sort of thing though and she'll be able to explain it far better than I can.

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As has been said there may be a discrepancy in your dates. Was there a heartbeat? Have they asked you to return in a few weeks? Any pain or bleeding? If there was a heartbeat and your next appointment is just a routine one then I would say there is nothing to worry about.

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